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3 Windsor Y.B. Access Just. 375 (1983)
Community Legal Clinics in Ontario

handle is hein.journals/windyrbaj3 and id is 379 raw text is: COMMUNITY LEGAL CLINICS IN
Mary Jane Mossman*
Ontario has a system of fully funded yet independent network
of community law clinics like those advocated in Rees' paper.
Professor Mossman explores the forces that led to the
establishment of the community clinics, their relationships to the
judicare system and the purposes behind the government's
assumption of responsibility for funding and defunding clinics:
service to low income people, community involvement and
representation and independence from funding sources. While
Rees seems to suggest that government funded community clinics
would automatically further these purposes, Mossman argues
that scope of service, community involvement and funding
decision processes must be structured very carefully in order to
enhance clinics' abilities to engage in meaningful representation,
and warns that the early community clinic movement could be
easily subverted by concentrating decision making control over
clinics in the hands of the government, the law society, the clinic
or even of other community groups.
Les Centres judiciaires communautaires
en Ontario
L 'Ontario  possede  un  systeme de centres judiciaires
communautaires, completement finances mais inddpendants,
comme ceux preconisds dans l'essai de M. Rees. Le professeur
Mossman explore les forces qui ont men6 d l'tablissement des
centres communautaires, leur rapport avec le systeme d'aide
judiciaire, et les buts sous-jacents d la decision gouvernementale
de se charger de la responsabilite de financer (ou de cesser de
financer) ces centres: service aux pauvres, participation et
representation de la communaute, independance j I'egard des
sources definancement. Tandis que M. Rees semble suggerer que
des centres communautaires finances par le gouvernement
avanceraient forciment ces buts, M. Mossman pretend que
l'tendue des services, la participation de la communautj et les
proc~ds de decision quant au financement doivent etre
structures avec grand soin pour augmenter les capacitds des
centres d'offrir une representation efficace. Il avertit qu'e6 ses
debuts le mouvement de centres communautaires pourrait
facilement atre perverti si le contr~le de leurs decisions 6tait
concentre entre les mains du gouvernement, de l'association des
avocats, du personnel du centre ou mme d'autres groupements
*Associate Professor Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

(1983), 3 Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice

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