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2020 Sci. J. Cahul St. U. Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu 79 (2020)
Labor Market Integration and Access to Work for People with Disabilities

handle is hein.journals/schulss2020 and id is 188 raw text is: 

             Buletinul ,tiinific al Universit4iii de Stat ,,D.P. llasdeu din Cahul: ,tliinte Sociale
                                   Ns. 2 (12), 2020


                       PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES

                                                 DOI:  10.5281/zenodo.4290673
                                                 UDC: 316:331.582(478+498)

                                                               Luminita  IOSIF
                                      Universitatea ,,Dundrea de Jos din Galati
                                                 E-mail: luminita.iosif@ugal.ro
                                                                 Oxana   RADU
                                                      Asociatia Obsteascd  AZI,
                                                E-mail: oxana.radu@yahoo.com

        Rezumat:  Prezentul studiu analizeazd gradul de implementare a politicilor
sociale destinate persoanelor cu dizabilitati, in special a celor ce privesc integrarea in
cempul  muncii a acestei categorii a populatiei, in scopul identificdrii unor noi modalitali
simple, dar eficiente de gestionare a acestei probleme cu care se confruntd atat
Republica Moldova, cdt si Romdnia  i multe alte state ale lumii. Astfel, pornind de la
politicile sociale deja existente i de la statistica oficiald oferita de Directiile de
Asistenfd Sociald si Directiile pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca, se va putea efectua o
analizd realista asupra acestui fenomen. Problematica accesului pe piata muncii a
persoanelor  cu dizabilitati nu poate ft ignoratd, find vorba si de nerespectarea
Drepturilor Omului.  Totodatd, sunt identificate problemele cu care se confruntd
persoanele cu dizabilitati in timpul angajdrii pe piata muncii, atitudinilor angajatorilor
fafa de problema  angajdrii acestor persoane, gradului de accesibilitate la locul de
muncd,  cu deschideri pentru efectuarea de viitoare noi analize.
        Cuvinte cheie: integrare, dizabilitate, piata muncii, politica sociala

        Abstract: This study starts from the analysis of the implementation of social policies
for people with disabilities, especially those related to the integration in the field of
employment  of this category of the population, in order to identify new simple but effective
ways  to manage this problem in Republic of Moldova and Romania  and many  other
countries in the world. Thus, starting from the already existing social policies and from the
official statistics offered by the Social Assistance Directorates and the Employment
Directorates, it will be possible to carry out a realistic analysis on this phenomenon.
        The issue of access to the labor market for people with disabilities cannot be
ignored, as it is also about non-compliance with Human Rights. At the same time, the
problems faced by people with disabilities during employment on the labor market, the
attitudes of employers towards the problem of employing these people, the degree of
accessibility at work, with openings for future new analyzes.
        Key words: integration, disability, labor market, social policy


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