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9 Indon. L. Rev. 241 (2019)
Contextualizing Restorative Justice through Diversion Mechanism: A Study of Indonesia's Juvenile Justice System

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Indonesia Law Review (2019) 3: 241-258
ISSN: 2088-8430 | e-ISSN: 2356-2129

                         JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM

                                  Faiz  Rahman *

  Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Article Info
Received: 18 September2019 I Receivedinrevisedform: 8 December 2019 |Accepted: 18 December 2019
Corresponding author's e-mail: faiz.rahman@ugm.ac.id

 Implementation of restorative justice in the youth the criminal justice system in many countries
 has undergone its dynamics in the past few decades, including in Indonesia. The enactment of
 Indonesian Youth Criminal justice System Law in mid-2014, which invalidates the 1997 Youth
 Court Law, became a significant point ofyouth criminal justice reformation in Indonesia. The new
 Law began to shift the retributive paradigm in the Youth Court Law, as the previous statutory basis
 foryouth criminal justice in Indonesia, to restorative justice paradigm. The new Law introduces
 the Diversion mechanism as a means to implement the restorative justice approach. This article
 seeks to discuss how restorative justice can be contextualized through diversion mechanism, as
 well as to consider whether the new Indonesian youth criminal justice system utilises restorative
 justice in a marginalized, boutique, or tokenistic way. Furthermore, this article uses statutory
 and theoretical approaches to examine the contextualization of restorative justice through the
 diversion mechanism introduced in the new Youth CriminalJustice System Law.
 Keyword: diversion, restorative justice, youth criminal justice system, criminal law, Indonesia

 Penerapan keadilan restoratif dalam sistem peradilan pidana anak di berbagai negara telah
 mengalami  dinamika tersendiri selama beberapa dekade  terakhir, termasuk di Indonesia.
 Diundangkannya Undang-Undang  tentang Sistem Peradilan PidanaAnakpada pertengahan 2014,
 yang membatalkan Undang-Undang  tentang Pengadilan Anak 1997 menjadi poin penting dalam
 reformasi sistem peradilan anak di Indonesia. Undang-Undang baru tersebut mulai menggeser
 paradigma retributifdalam Undang-Undang Pengadilan Anak 1997 menjadiparadigma keadilan
 restoratif Lebih lanjut, Undang-Undang Sistem Peradilan Pidana  Anak  memperkenalkan
 mekanisme diversi sebagai cara menerapkan pendekatan keadilan restoratif Artikel ini mencoba
 membahas   mengenai  bagaimana  keadilan  restoratif dapat dikontekstualisasikan melalui
 mekanisme diversi, serta untuk memahami apakah Undang-Undang   Sistem Peradilan Pidana
 yang baru menerapkan keadilan restoratifsecara termarginalkan, simbolik dan tokenistik. Lebih
 lanjut, artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang dan teoritis untuk menganalisis
 bagaimana  sejatinya kontekstualisasi keadilan restoratif melalui mekanisme diversi yang
 diperkenalkan dalam Undang-Undang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak.
 Keyword: diversi, keadilan restoratif sistem peradilan pidana anak, hukum pidana, Indonesia

'DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15742/ilrev.v9n3.584

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