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8 Technium Soc. Sci. J. 1 (2020)
Analysis of Geographical Information System (GIS) Design Aplication in the Fire Department of Depok City

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                                                          Technium  Social Sciences Journal
                                                                      Vol. 8, 1-7, June 2020
                                                                          ISSN: 2668-7798
          SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL                                www.techniumscience.com

Analysis of Geographical Information System (GIS) design
aplication in the Fire Department of Depok City

              Andri  Supriadi, Teddy Oswari2
              12 Postgraduate Program, Gunadarma University of Indonesia
              ananda.andri15@gmail.com', toswari @2staff.gunadarma.ac.id2

              Abstract. Depok City is one of the cities that is vulnerable to fire disasters. The Depok City Fire
              Department feels the need for a system that can assist in the handling and management of fire
              disasters. This system must be the right system to solve existing problems. Researchers have
              created many new systems. One of them is Geographic Information System (GIS) is a special
              information system for managing data that has spatial information. This research purposes to
              analyze and design a Geographic Information System (GIS) aimed at assisting the Depok City
              Fire Department that is desktop-based using the waterfall method. With the application of this
              Geographic Information System (GIS) aims to help accelerate the processing of fire reports on
              decision making, presenting spatial and non-spatial data that is more organized and can be
              updated also makes it easier to find new locations of fire stations , hydrants, fire -prone points,
              and flood-prone points.

              Keywords. Geographic Information System, Fire Fighters, fire

       A  disaster is an event or series of events that threaten and disrupt people's lives as can
be  caused by  natural factors, non-natural factors, and human   factors that cause human
casualties, environmental damage, property losses, and psychological impacts (RI Law No. 24
of 2007 concerning  Disaster Management).   We  can group potential disasters that occur into
two, namely  the potential for major hazards (main hazards) and the potential for secondary
hazards (collateral hazards). Fire hazard can basically be caused by two factors, namely natural
factors (natural hazards) and human negligence (man-made  hazards).
Fire is an oxidant oxidation reaction that takes place quickly from a fuel that is accompanied
by a fire or ignition. The fire disaster is a serious disaster for the cities. This relates to the
number  of victims, and losses caused by the disaster. Fire disasters can be detrimental nationally
because they interfere with national productivity and can reduce people's welfare.
       Cases of fires often occur in locations with high activity density levels, so that caution
is needed from the community   about the dangers of fire that can cause both material and life
losses. The phenomenon   of fires that occur in urban areas is influenced by the correlation
between  buildings, the level of activity of the area and the condition of existing areas such as
slums areas, squatter to industrial areas that are less organized.
       These  areas have a level of vulnerability to the risk of fire and will be increasingly
critical if the local community awareness of the risk of fire is still low as it is not supported by
infrastructure and settlement environment arrangements for fire protection efforts. Handling of


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