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9 Va. J. Soc. Pol'y & L. 239 (2001-2002)
Why Marriage

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Martha Albertson Fineman*
In 1974, when I was a law student in a class called
Injunctions, we often struggled through the factual and
legal complexities of an opinion determining whether an
injunction should issue. My professor, Owen Fiss, was fond
of reminding us after each such session that the object of
this entire struggle-the injunction-was only a piece of
paper. His point was that it takes more than the issuance of
some form or document to make things happen, to
transform the status quo. Words are, after all, only words.
Standing alone, they often are not worth much more than
the paper upon which they are written. Instead, it is the
interpretation and implementation that really matter-not
the issuance of the document, but what comes next, that
confers content and meaning.
I cannot help but reflect upon this bit of practical-
injunction-realism  when   confronted   with  the   many
questions that emerge in response to contemporary policy
discussions about the need for laws to strengthen the
institution of marriage.1 Like an injunction, marriage is
reducible to a piece of paper-the marriage license. This
piece of paper distinguishes one on-going relationship from
others, not officially designated marital in nature. Yet what
* Dorothea S. Clarke Professor of Feminist Jurisprudence and Director
of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Cornell Law School.
1 Martha Albertson Fineman, The Neutered Mother, The Sexual
Family, and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies 15 (1995) (Policy on
the national and state levels, for the most part, attempts to revitalize and
replicate idealized traditional modes of intimate connection symbolized
by the nuclear family. This failure of creative imagination on the part of
law and legal institutions has resulted in an impoverished approach to
the dilemmas of poverty for mothers and children in our society).

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