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57 Mil. L. & L. War Rev. 279 (2018-2019)
A Soldier by Any Other Name: A Reappraisal of the 'Citizen in Uniform' Doctrine in Light of Part IIIAAA of the Defence Act 1903 (Cth)

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  A  Soldier by Any Other Name: A Reappraisal of
  the  'Citizen   in Uniform' Doctrine in Light of Part
          IIIAAA of the Defence Act 1903 (Cth)

                     SAMUEL  C. DUCKETT  WHITE*

       Captain, Australian Army  Legal Corps, currently posted
       to the Directorate of Operations and International Law

Table of Contents

I.  Intro du ctio n ......................................................................................... 2 80
II. A C itizen in  U niform   ....................................................................... 284
    1. Duty to Assist in Keeping the Peace of the Realm........................286
    2 . A D uty to  O b ey  .............................................................................. 290
    3. The Profession of A n s................................................................. 292
III. L egislative  Fram ew ork  ....................................................................... 294
    1. C all O ut  P rocess  ............................................................................ 295
    2. Threshold Requirements for a Call Out.........................................299
    3. Various Divisions of Part IIIAAA.................................................303
       A . D iv isio n  3 ................................................................................. 30 3
       B . D iv isio n  4 ................................................................................. 306
       C . D iv isio n  5 ................................................................................. 3 13
IV  U se of F orce  ........................................................................................ 3 16
    1. R easonable and N ecessary   ............................................................ 316
       A. Protect Life or Prevent Serious Injury .....................................318
       B . D eclared Infrastructure  ........................................................... 320
       C. Use of Force Against an Aircraft ............................................ 320
       D . A ttem pting  to  Flee  ...................................................................322
V   D efence of Superior O rders  ................................................................324
V I. C o nclu sio n ...........................................................................................3 30

   This paper is part of a thesis written whilst studying for a Master of Laws at
   Melbourne Law School, the University of Melbourne. I would like to express my
   thanks to my two supervisors, Professor Bruce Oswald CSC and the late Major
   General the Hon. Richard Tracey AM RFD QC for their direction, advice and
   comments. I would further like to thank the Hon. Justice John Logan RFD of the
   Federal Court of Australia, and current President of the Defence Force Discipline
   Appeals Tribunal, to whom I was Associate to and who guided me towards this
   topic. All opinions and errors herein are mine alone, and do not represent that of
   the Australian Defence Force or the Department of Defence.


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