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36 Yale J. on Reg. 625 (2019)
Harnessing Investor Interest in Sustainability: The Next Frontier in Environmental Information Regulation

handle is hein.journals/yjor36 and id is 635 raw text is: 

Harnessing Investor Interest in Sustainability: The
Next Frontier in Environmental Information

Daniel C. Estyt & Quentin  Karpilow

     This  Article rethinks the theory  and  application of environmental
information regulation in light of growing investor interest in sustainability.
Academics   and  policymakers  have  long  viewed  mandatory   information
disclosure as a powerful regulatory toolfor improving corporate environmental
performance,  with some going  so far as to call environmental information
regulation the third phase ofAmerican environmental law. Current thinking on
environmental information regulation has failed, however, to keep pace with
recent transformations in the investment community. Over  the past decade,
sustainable investing has rapidly movedfrom the fringes of the investment world
to the mainstream as an increasing number of investors seek to align their values
with the holdings of their portfolios. We argue that environmental information
regulation, in the form of a mandatory corporate environmental, social, and
governance  (ESG) disclosure regime, could significantly facilitate this broader
realignment of capital markets with sustainability principles. As we explain,
standard models  of environmental information regulation are ill-equipped to
address the information needs of today's investment community. Instead, this
Article calls for a new design of environmental information regulation capable
of harnessing mainstream investor interest in sustainability and, in doing so,
creating a new  vector of leverage in support of a sustainable future for our

Introduction          .....................................  ...... 626
I. Current Thinking on Environmental Information Regulation .......... 631
       A. How  It Works      .........................      ......... 631
       B. What It Should Focus On ....... ................... 636
II. Investor Interest in Sustainability: Opportunities & Obstacles......... 638
       A. Does Sustainability Leadership Pay Off?....... ......... 639
       B. Growing  Interest in Sustainable Investing .................. 648
       C. Informational Barriers to Sustainable Investing................... 654

           t   Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy, Yale University;
           I   Yale Law School, Class of 2018; quentin.karpilow@yale.edu. The authors thank Tim
Mason for his excellent research support.


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