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26 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 157 (2003-2004)
Four New Arguments against the Constitutionality of Felony Disenfranchisement

handle is hein.journals/tjeflr26 and id is 165 raw text is: LEAD ARTICLES
John R. Cosgrove*
I. INTRODUCTION           ................................    158
II. BACKGROUND ..................................             161
A. Ex-felon Disenfranchisement in the United
States  ...........................  ..............   161
B. Constitutional Provisions Regarding the Right
to  V ote  ........................................   165
C. Protection of Voting Rights under the Equal
Protection Clause in Accordance with Modern
Notions of Equality ............................      167
D. A Step Backwards in Richardson v. Ramirez ..           168
E. But for the Other Crime Exception, It is
Likely that Ex-felon Disenfranchisement
Would be Invalid Under the Modern Doctrine
of Equal Voting Rights ........................       170
III.  SUM  M A RY   .......................................    173
IV .  A NA LYSIS   ........................................    175
A. Is the Other Crime Exception Limited to
Offenses which were Felonies at Common Law
* Trial lawyer and former city attorney with extensive experience in all fields of
civil litigation. Mr. Cosgrove is presently writing a book entitled Leave No Vote
Behind: Demystification of the Florida 2000 Election. Disenfranchisement has been a
major concern of his since he graduated in the first position of his Stanford Law
School Class of 1959. He filed an amicus brief in Oregon v. Mitchell in 1970 support-
ing reduction of the voting age to 18, an original action in the California Supreme
Court decided in 1971, Jolicoeur v. Mihaly, which established the right of 18-20 year
olds to vote where they resided, not where their parents resided, and an amicus brief
in Johnson v. Governor of the State of Florida in 2002 supporting the voting rights of
He would not have been able to write this article without the assistance of the
Honorable Norbert Ehrenfreund, Professor Derek Bok, Karen Lutke, Hugh Evans,
Thomas Lockie, Lorelei Westin, Laura Blair, Russell Cosgrove, Jeanette Cosgrove,
and Judith Cosgrove and the encouragement of Professor Jack Friedenthal, the Hon-
orable Byron Sher, the Honorable Daryl Jones, Denise Johnson, MD, Professor
Marjorie Cohn, Margaret Phelan, Charles Sullivan, David Bridgman, Howard
Lewis, Dawn Davis, Dorothy Gaines, Ronald L. Humphrey, Aaron D. McCall and
Robert D. Schmidt.

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