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14 Sydney L. Rev. 163 (1992)
Offending with Impunity: Racial Vilification and Freedom of Speech

handle is hein.journals/sydney14 and id is 171 raw text is: Offending with Impunity:
Racial Vilification and Freedom
of Speech
L Introduction
Poles, as you all probably know, are stupid, lazy and utterly dishonest. They
are all constant trouble-makers: a brief look at the history of this peculiar
nation should convince everyone that all they have been doing throughout the
ages was to conspire against the security and well-being of their neighbours.
But this is their, and their neighbours', problem. However, once allowed to
migrate to other countries such as this great country of ours, they immediately
become a force which contributes to moral decay, criminality and subversion.
You must have heard the one about a Polish omelette (how to make one? -
first, you steal three eggs...) or about how many Poles it takes to replace a
light bulb - well, this reflects something, doesn't it. Oh, and they never use
The passage above, if taken seriously, and if included in a context which
suggests that it is meant seriously, is likely to incite hatred towards, serious
contempt for, or severe ridicule of a Polish ethnic minority.1 As such, its
publication would now be punishable in New South Wales, just as it would in
much of the modem world. Indeed, the supreme international body resolved
that the UN member states should declare an offence punishable by law all
dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred.2
This in itself suggests that the matter is serious and deserves deeper
consideration. First, it is serious politically in this country: while New South
Wales and Western Australia are presently the only Australian states that
prohibit public acts of racial vilification and incitement to racism,3 there are
moves in a similar direction in the other Australian states4 as well as
* Reader in the Department of Jurisprudence, the University of Sydney. I am very grateful
to Craig Carracher, Francine Feld, Kenneth Gergen, Michael Kirby, Martin Krygier,
Chandran Kukathas, Wotek Lamentowicz, Patricia Loughlan, Sarah McNaughton, Andy
Michels, Philip Petrit and David Tucker for their comments and suggestions.
1  My own use of the passage in this article exempts me, I hope, from these charges: morally
- because I am a Pole myself, hence beyond the suspicion of harbouring such great
self-hate; legally - because it is done here reasonably and in good faith, for academic
purposes which include discussion or debate about the law against racial vilification.
The quoted words are taken from article (2)(c), Anti-Discrimination (Racial Vilification)
Amendment Act NSW 1989.
2   International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
(1965), Art 4 (a).
3   See, respectively, Anti-Discrimination (Racial Vilification) Amendment Act NSW 1989
s20 and Criminal Code 1913 (WA) ss76-80.
4 For example, in Victoria a special committee to advise the Attorney General on racial
vilification released in June 1990 an Issues Paper (Racial Vilification in Victoria) for

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