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54 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 495 (2021)
Pornography-Based Sex Trafficking: A Palermo Protocol For for the Internet Age

handle is hein.journals/vantl54 and id is 511 raw text is: Pornography-Based Sex
Trafficking: A Palermo Protocol
Fit for the Internet Age
The United Nations Palermo Protocol provides an international
framework for regulating human trafficking with aims of
increasing perpetrator prosecution and victim rehabilitation.
Signatory nations implement this resolution through domestic
legislation. Discrepancies    across  these   statutes  result in
dangerous jurisdictional gaps and chaotically varied law
enforcement approaches. Though legal scholarship rarely
addresses the topic, pornography-based sex trafficking provides a
clear example of this trend. The unique digital features of the
internet compound these challenges. This Note seeks to close
procedural gaps and alleviate policing frustrations through a
proprietary examination of the Protocol's exploitation definition
and suggests an amendment to the Protocol that uniformly
criminalizes coerced pornography across all signatory nations.
I.    INTRODUCTION    ..............................................................  496
II.   BACKGROUND    ................................................................  502
A.      The Evolution of the Pornography Industry
and Its Role in Modern Life ..................  502
1. Distinctions between Professional and
Amateur Pornography Production .....        503
2. Dangers of the Pornography Industry
..............................................................  5 0 5
B.      The Connection between Sex Trafficking and
Pornography   .........................................  507
C.      The United Nations Palermo Protocol..        508
* This Note is dedicated to my late father, brilliant attorney John Watson, who
finished reading it a few days before his passing in August 2020. Beginning with this
publication, may my service in the legal profession be a perpetual eulogy to the gifts he
gave me: a passion for the law, years of wise counsel, and ceaseless, unconditional
support. He spent his life analyzing and leveraging government systems in an effort to
elevate the most vulnerable among us. I hope, in some small way, this Note does the


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