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3 UC Irvine L. Rev. 187 (2013)
Critical Race Empiricism: A New Means to Measure Civil Procedure

handle is hein.journals/ucirvlre3 and id is 193 raw text is: Critical Race Empiricism:
A New Means to Measure Civil Procedure
Victor D. Quintanilla*
Introduction    .....................................................................................................................188
I. Social Psychological T    heory  ......................................................................................196
II. An Updated Analysis of Iqbal's Effect on Race Discrimination Claims..........201
A . M eth od  ...........................................................................................................202
B .  R esults.............................................................................................................20 5
Study 1: Has Iqbal Increased the Dismissal Rate for Black
Plaintiffs' Claims of Race Discrimination in the Workplace?.....205
Study 2: Did White and Black Judges Decide Motions to
Dismiss Differently Under Conley, and Do They Decide
Motions to Dismiss Differently Under IqbaP................................207
C . D iscu ssion ......................................................................................................210
III. Critical Race  E m  piricism .........................................................................................211
C o n clu sion ........................................................................................................................2 15
One of the first things one learns as a social pychologist is that everyone is capable of
bias. We simply are not, and cannot be, all knowing and completely objective. Our
understandings and views of the world are partial, and reflect the circumstances of our
particular lives. This is where a discpline like science comes in.... [I]t extends what
we can see and understand, while constraining bias.
-Claude M. Steele'
* Associate Professor of Law, Indiana University, Maurer School of Law. I am grateful to Jerry Kang,
Kevin Brown, Jeannine Bell, Deborah Widiss, Tim Lovelace, and Will Rhee for providing helpful
comments on this Article.
AFFECT US 13-14 (2010).

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