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38 Tex. Int'l L.J. 119 (2003)
State Sponsors of Terrorism Is a Question, Not an Answer: The Terrorism Amendment to the FSIA Makes Less Sense Now Than It Did Before 9/11

handle is hein.journals/tilj38 and id is 129 raw text is: State Sponsors of Terrorism Is a Question,
Not an Answer: The Terrorism Amendment to
the FSIA Makes Less Sense Now Than It Did
Before 9/11
1.        INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 120
SPONSORS OF TERRORISM EXCEPTION ....................................... 122
A.      Sovereign Immunity, Pre-FSIA                       ......................................................................... 122
B.      The FSIA        Pre-Lockerbie .................................................................................... 122
C.     Lockerbie, Smith, and                 the   1996 Amendments ................................................... 123
III.      THE CASES INTERPRETING                     THE AMENDED              FSIA     ....................................................... 124
A  .    R e in  ...................................................................................................................    12  4
B.     Post-Rein         FSIA     cases ........................................................................................ 125
1.     A leja   n d re  ....................................................................................................   12  5
2 .    F  la to w    ...............................................................................  .........  .............  12 6
3 .    C  icip  p io  ..........................................................................................   ...........  12 7
4 .    A  nd  erso   n  ....................................................................................................    12 7
5 .    D  a lib  erti .....................................................................................................    12  8
6 .    P  rice   ...........................................................................................................    13 0
7 .    E  la h i .....................................................................................................    : ....  13 1
8 .    S u th  erla  n d   ..................................................... ............................................  13  1
9 .    H  ig g  ins  .......................................................................................................    13  1
10  .  E isenfeld       ............................................................ 4 ........................................  13 1
11. Jenco        ............................................................................................. 132
12  .  S im  p so  n  .........................................................................................   ............  132
13  .  W  ag  n er  .......................................................................................................    13  3
14  .  W  einstein      ....................................................................................................   13  3
IV.       THE UNANSWERED                 QUESTIONS ................................................................................. 134
A.      What is a State? ......                                .............               .......................                   134
B.      Who     is a   Sponsor?   ....................................................................................... 134
C. What is Terrorism? ....................................... 134
D.     How      Does a       State Cease to          be a    State Sponsor of            Terrorism? ......................... 135
E. Must the Terrorism Supported by the State Sponsors be Directed
Against the         United      States? ................................................................................ 135
f Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, Syracuse University College of Law. J.D., 1985, Temple University
School of Law; B.S., 1982, University of Northern Colorado. Special thanks to Tracy Bemson for her able
research assistance. I would like to note that Syracuse University lost thirty alumni as a result of the September II
attacks. Syracuse lost thirty-five students in the Pan Am Flight 103 crash.

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