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17 Mich. St. U. J. Med. & L. 301 (2012)
Assessing the Role of Legal Actors across Eight Mental Health Courts

handle is hein.journals/jmdl17 and id is 317 raw text is: ASSESSING THE ROLE OF LEGAL ACTORS ACROSS EIGHT
Sheryl Kubiak, Liz Tillander, & Bradley Ray
INTRODUCTION                 ................................................. 301
1. THERAPEUTIC     JURISPRUDENCE ........................................................................ 303
11. MENTAL HEALTH COURTS                .....................................304
III. RESEARCH ON MENTAL HEALTH COURTS                  .................    ......309
IV. MULTI-SITE STUDY OF MENTAL HEALTH COURTS..................................311
A. Prosecutor               ..........................................313
B. Defense Counsel              .....................................314
C. J udge............................................ 316
D. Legal Actors Roles: Collectively         ..........................319
VI. DISCUSSION               .................................................321
VII. CONCLUSION             ...............................................325
The number of people with serious mental illness (SMI) in jails ranges
from 6 to 36 percent,' while the prevalence of SMI in the general population
is approximately only 5 percent.2 There are now more persons with an SMI
being treated in jails and prisons than in public psychiatric hospitals, errone-
1. See K.M. Abram et al., Comorbidit of Severe Psychiatric Disorders and Substance Use Disorders
Among Women in jail, 160 AM. J. OF PSYCHIATRY 1007,1009 (2003); S.P. Kubiak et al., Tesing the
Validity of the K6 in Detecting Major Depression and P.'1D among Jailed Women, 37 CRI M. JUST. &
BEHAv. 64,65 (2010); H.J. Steadman et al., Prevalence of.Serious Mental Illness Among jail Inmates, 60
PSYCHIATRIC SlIRVS. 761, 761 (2009); R.L. Trestman et al., Current and Lifetime Psychiatric Illness
Among Inmates not Identoied as Acutely Mentaly Ill at Intake in Connecticut's Jails, 35 J. OF THE AM.
ACAD. OF PSYCHIATRY AND THE L. 490, 490 (2007); L.A. Teplin, The Prevalence of Severe Mental
Disorder among Male Urban jail Detainees - Comparison with the Epidemiologic Catchment-Area Program,
80 AM.J. OF PuB. HEALTH 663, 665-66 (1990). See also L.A. Teplin et al., Prevalence of Psychiatric
Disorders Among Incarcerated Women: PretrialJail Detainees, 53 ARCHIVHS OF GEN. PSYCHIATRY 505
2.  See Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behav-
ioral Health Statistics and Quality, The NSDUH Report: .State Esimates of Adult Mental Illness 1, 2
(2012),                                   available                                 at
http://www.samhsa.gov/data/2k1/WEBSR 078/SR11OStateSMIAMI2012.pdf; R. C. Kess-
ler, P. R. Barker, L. J. Colpe, et al., Screening for Serious Mental Illness in the General Popula-
tion, 60 ARCH. GEN. PSYCHIATRY 184 (2003). For a comparison to incarcerated populations, see
H.J. Steadman et al., Pre'alence of Serious Mentd Illness Among jaillnmates, 60 PsYCHIATRIC SI;RVS.
761, 761 (2009).

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