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56 Am. U. L. Rev. 367 (2006-2007)
The The Crimmigration Crisis: Immigrants, Crime, and Sovereign Power

handle is hein.journals/aulr56 and id is 379 raw text is: THE CRIMMIGRATION CRISIS:
Prologue: Memorandum to the President-Elect ............................... 368
In troduction  ......................................................................................... 376
I. Immigration and Criminal Law Converge ............................... 379
A. Overlap in the Substance of the Law ................................. 381
1. Removing noncitizen offenders ................................... 382
2. Immigration-related criminal offenses ........................ 384
3. Crimmigration and terrorism ....................................... 385
B.  Sim ilarities in  Enforcem ent ............................................... 386
C.  Procedural Parallels ............................................................ 390
D. Distinctions between Immigration and Criminal Law ...... 392
II. Membership Theory and Crimmigration ................................. 396
A. The Role of Membership Theory in Criminal and
Im m igration  Law  ................................................................ 396
B. Sovereign    Power and     Penology    in  Criminal and
Im m igration  Law  ................................................................ 402
1. Immigration law and penology .................................... 403
2.  Sovereign  power to  exclude  ......................................... 409
C. Consequences       of    Narrowing      the    Scope    of
M em bersh ip  ........................................................................ 413
C on clu sion  ........................................................................................... 418
Associate Professor of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School. I am indebted to Doug
Beloof, Jerome Bruner, Nora Demleitner, Mary Holland, Daniel Kanstroom, Anil
Kalhan, Steve Legomsky, Susan Mandiberg, Teresa Miller, Jan Neuman, Huyen
Pham, Jenny Roberts, and Brian Slocum. I am also grateful for the many insightful
comments from participants at the Lewis & Clark Faculty Colloquium, the
Immigration Law Teachers Works-in-Progress Workshop, the Baldy Center for Law
and Social Policy's Interdisciplinary Workshop on Merging Immigration and Crime
Control, and the NYU Young Scholars Workshop. Jenny Anne Gifford and Matthew
Ellis provided excellent research assistance. Special thanks to Eric Miller.

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