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74 N. Ir. Legal Q. [iv] (2023)
Issue 2

handle is hein.journals/nilq74 and id is 252 raw text is: 



                   Summer  Vol. 74 No. 2 (2023)


Death rites disrupted: coronavirus, 'lockdown' laws and the altered social
   ritual of the funeral
Heather Conway ..................................................... 211
Journalistic privilege in Ireland
Cian O Concubhair ...................................................... 237
The scope and rationale(s) of the change of position defence
Duncan Sheehan ................................................... 269
Property guardians: reigniting the lease/licence battle?
Dean Taylor ..................................................... 303
George Gavan Duffy and the legal consequences of the Anglo Irish Treaty,
Thomas Mohr ............................................ 323
Disability and COVID-19: improving legal and policy responses through
   grassroots disability ethics
Ivanka A ntova ................ ....................................  362

Commentaries and Notes
'Duress of circumstances and voluntary association': R v Phair [2022]
   NICA 66
John Taggart ................................................... 388
From the Protocol to the Windsor Framework
C R G Murray and Niall Robb .............................. . 395

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