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14 Melb. J. Int'l L. 304 (2013)
Substance and Procedure in Private International Law

handle is hein.journals/meljil14 and id is 314 raw text is: SUBSTANCE AND PROCEDURE IN PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW              BY
456 PAGES. PRICE £110.00 (HARDBACK) ISBN 9780199532797.
The substance/procedure distinction is fundamental to private international
law, both practically and theoretically. Theoretically, this distinction goes to the
intellectual heart of the discipline: why apply a foreign law in domestic courts in
the first place? Curiously, in private international law, this question refers to
matters of substance, rather than procedure. Almost universally recognised, the
so-called lex fori regit processum doctrine has provided for centuries that
procedural matters shall be governed almost exclusively by the domestic law of
the forum (lexfori).' What is so special about procedure that makes it immune
to the application of foreign law? Furthermore, the lexfori solution to matters of
procedure sheds light on the practical centrality of the substance/procedure
distinction. As the most preliminary phase of judicial analysis in private
transnational litigation, the substance/procedure distinction plays a key role in
determining the identity of the law to be applied.
From this point arises the significance of Professor Richard Garnett's
far-reaching book, which provides a useful guide to the substance/procedure
distinction in the context of private international law. It provides a careful and
very detailed overview of the distinction in a wide spectrum of areas such as:
*    service and jurisdiction (ch 4);
*    questions of parties' capacity (ch 5);
S    court proceedings. lawyers' fees and creditors' rights (ch 6);
*    evidence (chs 7 and 8);
*    statutes of limitation (ch 9); and
*    remedies (ch 10 and 11).
Throughout these chapters Garnett gives a comprehensive presentation on the
current state of law in the following jurisdictions: Australia, Canada, the
European Union, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and, to a considerable
degree, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Over fifteen years ago, Professor William Reynolds commented on the state
of confusion of the discipline. As he put it: 'The confusion is complete. The poor
lawyer who gives advice to clients on choice-of-law matters meets with stares of
disbelief.2 The opposite is true with respect to Professor Garnett's work. By
presenting an accurate and intelligible analysis of the substance/procedure
distinction in the area of private international law, this work provides an
excellent guide for Commonwealth lawyers advising their clients on a broad
range of issues. No lawyer who has carefully reviewed Professor Garnett's book
will be left with any unanswered questions. For this, private international law
1 Richard Garnett, Substance and Procedure in Private International Law (Oxford University
Press, 2012) 1, 5-6.
2 William L Reynolds, 'Legal Process and Choice of Law' (1997) 56 Maryland Law
Review 1371, 1371.

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