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2024 Law Annals Titu Maiorescu U. 151 (2024)
The Pre-Contractual Abyss

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                                    Ratiu  Flavia Simona   PETRIDEAN*


In spite of the conservative spirits, positioned by themselves, in the traditional and
classical scheme of how contracts are formed, the realities of the Romanian private law
space, show us that often the formation of a convention is progressive from the volitional
point ofview. The potential of some definitive contractual relations commits the parties,
on the basis of the malleability of contractual freedom, to preliminary discussions, often
recorded in various types of contractual relationship, which progressively mature their
consent, even before the final contract is concluded. The study ofthe forms ofpreparatory
contracts, punctuated in the pre-contractual period, is like a <matrioska>, because it
abandons the illusory image of the sudden union between offer and acceptance, by
detecting several species of conventions, the variable legal power ofwhich facilitates the
physiognomy of the final contract, through the fragmentary legal consistency of the will.

                     KEYWORDS: pre-contractual   period; preparatory contracts;
                                                    agreements ofpartial wills;

   General   considerations

   The  geometry  of the Romanian   private law space  shows us  a different
reality in terms of the progressive formation  of the contract. Despite the
fact that there is no general legislative framework in the economy   of the
New   Civil Code, it has been shown   that the pre-contractual legal picture
does  not only consist of the agreement   of wills, which, even  if it is the
defining  element  of any  agreement,  exceeds  the scope  of the two-step
mechanism   - offer and acceptance-  by reviewing  a more  complex  techni-
que, preceded  by  negotiations. Often, the time needed  to coordinate  the
conduct  of negotiations is lengthy and is marked  by  various preparatory
acts of varying  legal force. In this connection, an  initial opinion' con-

   * Ph.D. Student, Titu Maiorescu University, Law Doctoral School, Bucharest,
Romania. Ph.D. student Bucharest University, Doctoral School of Political Sciences.
   1 Viorel Terzea, Raspunderea civila contractuala, Solomon Publishing House,
Bucharest, 2021, p. 173.


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