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16 Holdsworth L. Rev. 145 (1993-1994)
The Animals Act 1971: A Dog's Breakfast

handle is hein.journals/holdslr16 and id is 149 raw text is: THE ANIMALS ACT 1971:
The civil law relating to injuries caused by animals, as with those
caused in other ways, essentially fulfils two functions. Its principal
role is as a mechanism through which accident victims can claim
compensation. Its secondary function is an educational one in helping
to deter conduct likely to cause accidents.2 This is, of course, an
oversimplification. It would be unrealistic to see the machinery of the
civil law as the sole, or even the principal, provider of compensation
to accident victims. Most actions are settled out of court and, in these
cases, the practices of insurance companies play a major part in
deciding the quantum of compensation. The state also provides
assistance to accident victims through the welfare state, both in the
form of cash payments (such as income support and invalidity
benefit), and other benefits in kind such as the National Health
Service and rehabilitation centres.3 Similarly, deterrence is more
typically associated with the criminal law, and sanctions such as
imprisonment, fines and the destruction of offending animals, rather
than the prospect of being obliged to pay an award of damages in a
civil action. However, for those accident victims who end up in court,
a sound civil legal framework is essential. A framework (or any part
of it) which is unclear or outmoded will be ineffective as a medium
of compensation. Further, the general deterrent effect of civil
sanctions depends upon clarity within the legal framework as regards
both the commission of the wrong in question and the identification
of the person rcsponsible: [gjeneral deterrence involves the use of
compensation rules to provide indirect incentives to people to behave
Lecturer in Law, University of Hull. I owe thanks to Raymond Smith. Nicholas
Parry and Professors Roger Brownsword, Ferdinand von Prondzynaki and Paul
Fairest for their help with earlier drafts of this paper. I am also grateful to Peter
Cook and Dr Richard Young for their comments on the final version. Any
remaining weaknesses are naturally my responsibility alone.
2 See P. Cane, Atiyah's Accidents, Compensaion and the Law, (London:
Butterworth& Law in Context, 5th ad., 1993), Sh.18.
3 Cane, supra, note 2. pp.8-10; ch.15.

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