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10 J. Advanced Res. L. & Econ. 1227 (2019)
Magnitude of Financial Distress in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES) in Bihar, India: A Test of Altman Z' Score

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Volume X, Issue 4(42), Summer 2019

                                   DOI: https:/Hdoi.org/10.14505/jarle.v10.4(42).22

 Magnitude of Financial Distress in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
                (MSMES) in Bihar, India: A Test of Altman Z' Score

                                                                                      Bishwajeet PRAKASH
                                                       Rukmini  Devi Institute of Advance Studies, Delhi, India
                                                                                   Jainendra Kumar VERMA
                                 Department  of Economic Studies, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India

Suggested Citation:
       Prakash, B., and Verma, J.K. 2019. Magnitude of financial distress in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
       in Bihar, India: A test of Altman Z' Score. Journal ofAdvanced Research /n Law andEconom/cs, Volume X, Summer,
       4(42): 1227 - 1239. DOI: 10.1 4505/jarlev0.4(42)22. Available from: httg://iournals.aserspublishing.eu/iarle/index
Article's History:
       Received 1st of April, 2019; Received in revised form 17th of May, 2019; Accepted 20th of June, 2019;
       Published 30th of June, 2019.
       Copyright@2019, by ASERS® Publishing. All rights reserved.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial role in equitable upliftment and development of economy.
Although these sectors are contributing to economy through generation of employment, supply products, services through
indigenous and modern technology, promote social entrepreneurship, reduce regional disparities, and promote equitable
income opportunities as well strengthen the balance of trade of the economy. MSMEs are facing actuate deficiency of
management  which leads to organization in to financial deficiency. Financial Distress in the MSMEs is common for all economy
of the world, which has been major concern for the academicians, experts, professional, society, creditors and government.
This study identifies the prediction of sickness in MSMEs in Bihar with the help of Altman Z' Score. The study employs the
statistical and financial methods to analyze the data collected in the study. The study identifies financial distress in small and
medium  enterprises through their balance sheet and profit and loss account. The study came out with proper strategy and
policy related to revival of the enterprise from the financial sickness and preventing them from industrial sickness.
Keywords: MSMEs;  financial distress; Bihar; accounting system; financial crunch; Z'-score.
JEL Classification: G12; G14; G33.
MSMEs   play a significant role in the macro economy of the nation for their contribution to the development of
economy   by job creation, fostering innovative entrepreneurship, promoting indigenous skills and technology;
strengthen the market through goods  and services and making  economy  more  competitive (Jena et al 2018).
These  sectors play an important role to reduce the chronic diseases of economy like regional disparities, poverty
and unemployment   (Pachouri and Sharma  2016). MSMEs   use more  labor-intensive technology process, help to
more  equitable distribution of income, promote Argo-based industries, works as bridge between small and large
enterprises, and strengthen the balance of payment of the country (Leutkenhost 2004). MSMEs sectors are helped
to generate ample employment  opportunities to various sections of the societies and help them into enhance their
income  level with traditional/modern technological, vocational and other entrepreneurial activities (Tripathi and
Yadav  2018).
       In developed and OECD  countries SMEs are predominantly form of enterprises and accounting 93% of total
business units. This sector served as the major contribution in employment generation, help to generate 75% of
employment,  and generating 50% to 60% of total value-added product (OECD 2016). In emerging economy SMEs
contribute up to 45% of employment and 30% of GDP  (IFC 2010). In India, the contribution of MSMEs in total GDP
is 6%,  in manufacturing sector 33%   and export 45%.  The  MSMEs widely spread throughout the country,


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