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55 Syracuse L. Rev. 161 (2004-2005)
Innocence after Guilt: Postconviction DNA Relief for Innocents Who Pled Guilty

handle is hein.journals/syrlr55 and id is 171 raw text is: INNOCENCE AFTER GUILT: POSTCONVICTION
Eunyung Theresa Oht
IN TRODU  CTION  .......................................................................................... 162
I.    THE   G UILTY  PLEA  ............................................................................ 164
A .  W ho  P leads  G uilty?  ................................................................... 166
B. Economic Considerations of the Guilty Plea ............................ 169
II.   D N A   EV ID EN CE  ............................................................................... 171
A. Right ofAccess to Courts for Incarcerated Defendants ............ 174
1. DNA Evidence and Actual Innocence ................................. 175
B. Postconviction DNA Relief Should be Granted to an
Innocent who   Pled  Guilty  .......................................................... 178
1. Postconviction Judicial Review of DNA Evidence
is  E conom ical ...................................................................... 178
2. Postconviction Judicial Review of DNA Evidence
is  Efficient ........................................................................... 179
3.  The Harmful Impact of an Innocent's Erroneous
C onviction  ........................................................................... 18 1
4. The Availability of DNA Technology and its
Scientific  Advances  ............................................................. 182
5. Postconviction DNA Relief Reveals Flaws in the
Criminal Justice   System  ...................................................... 184
6. Postconviction DNA Relief Does Not Interfere with
Judicial F inality  .................................................................. 184
III.  A  POSSIBLE   SOLUTION    ..................................................................... 185
C ON CLU SION   .............................................................................................. 186
B.A., English, Skidmore College, 2001; J.D. Candidate, Syracuse University College
of Law, 2005. The author is indebted to Professor Daniel S. Medwed of the University of
Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law and Professor Linda Feldman of Brooklyn Law School
for their invaluable suggestions, comments, and encouragement, which were integral to this
Note. She also thanks Dr. Richard Morris and Judge Denny Chin for their advice and
insight. Finally, she thanks her family and John Morris for their infinite love and support
because without them, none of this would have been possible.

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