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43 Statute L. Rev. 170 (2022)
Legislated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India: The Law and Practicalities of Its Compliance

handle is hein.journals/statlr43 and id is 175 raw text is: Statute Law Review, 2022, Vol. 43, No. 2, 170-197
Advance Access publication 22 May 2020
Legislated Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) in India: The Law
and Practicalities of its Compliance
Akanksha Jumde* and Jean du Plessis**
When India enacted the Companies Act, 2013, it became one of the few countries of
the world to make Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a legal obligation for a large
number of Indian companies. Using a comprehensive analysis of companies' CSR disclos-
ures and the interviews of relevant stakeholders, this article provides a bird's-eye view on
the major issues plaguing the current regulatory framework on CSR in India. In addition,
this article highlights the major differences between privately owned and government
companies on their motivations, approaches and challenges to the implementation and
enforcement of CSRlaw of India. This article finds that the Indian CSR regulations are ex-
cessively broad and provide wide flexibilities that are possibly being misused, and hence,
need legislative amendments to make them more concise, and improve accountability
and transparency. From a broader corporate law perspective, this article finds that while
the current company law in India may have adopted a more stakeholder-centric approach
by its construction, the approach of many companies towards the enforcement and im-
plementation of CSR and the law remains essentially shareholder centric. In light of the
above observations, the article suggests that the existing regulatory framework needs to
be strengthened with several legislative measures such as stricter auditing and monitoring
measures for third-party implementing agencies and pre-and post-project impact assess-
ment mechanisms.
On 29 August 2013, India's Parliament, enacted its new Companies Act, 2013, repealing
the old Companies Act, 1956, and drew worldwide attention, by boldly mandating
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), under its new companies' law.' The Companies
*   Doctoral Candidate, Deakin Law School, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia; Assistant Professor, School of Legal
Studies, Central University of Tamil Nadu, India. Email: akankshajumde@cutn.ac.in; ajumde@deakin.edu.au. This article
would not have been completed without the generous support of my father who helped me to contact the interview parti-
cipants. I am also deeply indebted to Prof. Umakanth Varottil, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, for his
highly useful comments and suggestions for the article.
**  Professor (Corporate Law), Deakin University, Australia.
AE McArdle A Stick in the Global Carrot Patch: The Business of Corporate Social Responsibility in India's Companies Act
2013' (2015) 38 Suffolk Transnat'l L. Rev. 467.
SThe Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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