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18 Stan. Envtl. L. J. 285 (1999)
Working Toward a Common Goal: Three Case Studies of Brownfields Redevelopment in Environmental Justice Communities

handle is hein.journals/staev18 and id is 293 raw text is: Working Toward a Common Goal?
Three Case Studies of Brownfields
Redevelopment in Environmental
Justice Communities
Lincoln L. Davies*
I. INTRODUCTION ........................................ 286
II. THoEIncAL E.XAMINATION ........................... 288
A. Environmental Justice ............................ 288
B. Brownfields Redevelopment ...................... 292
C. Comparison of Environmental Justice and
Brownfields Redevelopment Goals ............... 293
BROWNFIELDS REDEVELOPMENT ........................ 295
A. General Funding and Institutional Framework ... 295
1. Site Reclamation Program Summary ......... 296
2. State of Michigan's Involvement: Department
of Environmental Quality .................... 298
3. Local Government Involvement Overview .... 299
B. Diamond Reo Site ................................ 300
1. Site Description and History ................. 300
2. Local Government: The City of Lansing ...... 302
* J.D. expected, Stanford Law School, 2000; B.S., The University of Michigan, 1997.
This Note is an adapted version of my Senior Honors Thesis, which I completed in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of The University of Michigan's School of Natural Re-
sources and Environment Honors Program. I am deeply indebted to Professor Robert H.
Abrams who was my thesis advisor and who provided invaluable advice, guidance, and sup-
port. I received much assistance from officials at the Michigan Department of Environ-
mental Quality and the various city governments; this assistance is greatly appreciated. I
also thank the community residents who were more than illing to speak with me, and
vish them luck in their continuing efforts to improve the environments in which they live.
Finally, I am grateful to Tom Ballantine, Stig Colberg, Stephanie Easley;Jocelyn Scheffel,
Ethan Schutt, and the members of the Stanford Environmental LawJournua whose hours of
hard work and insightful comments only improved this Note.

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