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63 Jurimetrics 263 (2022-2023)
Epsilon-Differential Privacy, and a Two-Step Test for Quantifying Reidentification Risk

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             Nathan Reitinger* and Amol Deshpande**

ABSTRACT: Sharing data in   the twenty-first century is fraught with error. Most com-
monly, data is freely accessible, surreptitiously stolen, and easily capitalized in the pur-
suit of monetary maximization. But when data does find itself shrouded behind the veil
of personally identifiable information (PII), it becomes nearly sacrosanct, impenetrable
without consideration of ambiguous (yet penalty-rich) statutory law-inhibiting utility.
Either choice, unnecessarily stifling innovation or indiscriminately pilfering privacy,
leaves much to be desired.
     This Article proposes a novel, two-step test for creating futureproof, bright-line
rules around the sharing of legally protected data. The cmx of the test centers on identi-
fying a legal comparator between a particular data sanitization standard-differential pri-
vacy: a means of analyzing mechanisms that manipulate, and therefore sanitize, data-
and statutory law. Step one identifies a proxy value for reidentification risk which may
be easy calculated from an 8-differentially private mechanism: the guess difference. Step
two finds a corollary in statutory law: the maximum reidentification risk a statute toler-
ates when permitting confidential data sharing. If step one is lower than or equal to step
two, any output derived using the mechanism may be considered legally shareable; the
mechanism  itself may be deemed (statute, 8)-differentially private.
     The two-step test provides clarity to data stewards hosting legally or possibly legally
protected data, greasing the wheels in advancements in science and technology by
providing an avenue for protected, compliant, and useful data sharing.

CITATION: Nathan Reitinger   & Amol  Deshpande, Epsilon-Differential Privacy, and a
Two-Step Test for Quantifying Reidentification Risk, 63 JURIMETRICS J. 263-317 (2023).

     *Ph.D. Candidate, University of Maryland, Department of Computer Science; M.S., Columbia
University; J.D., magna cum laude, Michigan State University. This Article benefitted from the
Privacy Law Scholars Workshop, 2022. For detailed comments on prior drafts, the authors thank
Michael Hawes, Steven Bellovin, Ido Sivan-Sevilla, and Rachel Cummings. The editors of Jurimet-
rics also provided invaluable assistance in the preparation of this Article.
     ..Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland at College Park, with a joint
appointment in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).



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