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26 Clinical L. Rev. 147 (2019-2020)
The Clinical Law Review at 25 - What Have We Wrought

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                     ROBERT   D.  DINERSTEIN*


    1992 seems  like a lifetime ago. I was in my tenth year as a clinical
teacher at American, and  in my second year as a tenured law  profes-
sor. My  children were  seven and five years old, respectively. (They
are now  both married and parents of infants.) The sports teams I fol-
lowed most  closely (and still do), the Yankees in baseball and the Gi-
ants in football, were both having down  years.' The Americans  with
Disabilities Act, a landmark statute of great importance in disability
rights, my substantive field of interest, had been enacted  only two
years earlier. To be sure, the political campaign generated a fair bit of
excitement, as the  three-way race between   George  H.W.  Bush,  H.
Ross  Perot, and Bill Clinton was in full swing, though from  today's
overheated  political perspective that campaign seems  almost quaint
by comparison.
    My  most  important professional activity in 1992 was my service as
chair of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS)   Section on
Clinical Legal Education. In September  1992, I wrote a Message from
the Chair for the Section's newsletter on clinical legal scholarship and
the fast-developing plans to establish a peer-edited law journal dedi-
cated to its publication.2 Mine  was not the first Message  from  the
Chair to address clinical legal scholarship-Gary Palm's Message  in a
1986 Section Newsletter was entitled Scholarship and Clinical Educa-

   * Professor of Law and Director, Disability Rights Law Clinic, American University
Washington College of Law (WCL). The author thanks Sahar Takshi, WCL Class of 2020,
for her excellent research assistance in connection with this essay.
    With apologies to Samuel F.B. Morse and the Book of Numbers, 23:23, the phrase is in
the title is a take-off from What Hath God Wrought, the words from the Bible transmit-
ted as the first Morse Code message on May 24, 1844.
   1 The Yankees record that year was 76-86. The Giants would finish 6-10. The Yankees'
1992 losing season was its fourth straight; starting the following year, 1993, the Yankees
have not had any losing seasons. See http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/nyy/history/year-by
yearjresults.jsp. The Giants have been less successful in this time period, but have ap-
peared in three Super Bowls, winning two of them. See https://www.pro-football-reference.
   2 Bob Dinerstein, Message from the Chair, SECT. ON CLUN. LEGAL EDUC. NEWSLET-
TER, Ass'N AM. L. SCHS. 3 (Vol. 92, No. 2, Sept. 1992) (Dinerstein, Message from the


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