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17 U.S.F. Mar. L.J. 207 (2004-2005)
NVOCC: Secret Agent

handle is hein.journals/usfm17 and id is 213 raw text is: NVOCC: Secret Agent?
I.  IN TROD UCTION  .................................................................................................. 208
II. OCEAN TRANSPORTATION INTERMEDIARIES .................................................... 209
A .  N V O C C s  ..................................................................................................... 209
B .  O cean  Freight Forw arders ........................................................................... 212
III. THE NVOCC-AGENCY ISSUE IN FEDERAL CASE LAW .................................... 214
A .  The  Second  C ircuit ...................................................................................... 214
B .  T he  First  C ircuit  ......................................................................................... 220
C .  The  N inth  C ircuit ......................................................................................... 221
D .  The  E leventh  C ircuit ................................................................................... 225
IV. KIRBY v. NORFOLK SOUTHERN .................................................................. 227
A .  Factual B ackground  .................................................................................... 227
B.  The  Eleventh  Circuit's Analysis .................................................................. 228
C .  A nalysis  of  K irby  ........................................................................................ 230
1.  ICC  the  Freight Forw arder   ................................................................... 230
2.  Principal  or  A gent?  .................................................................................. 237
V .  C O N CLU SIO N  .................................................................................................... 238
AUTHOR'S         NOTE:       I completed      this  article   in  October 2004, in
anticipation of the Kirby decision, and in time for the 2004 Pacific
Admiralty Seminar. One month later, the Supreme Court decided Kirby.'
For my reaction to that decision and its rationale, see Andrew D.
Kehagiaras, Kirby       v. Norfolk     Southern:      The   Salty   Train    Wreck, 2
Benedict's Maritime Bulletin 305 (2004).
* Mr. Kehagiaras is an associate with the Los Angeles law firm Countryman & McDaniel. He
received his J.D. from Wayne State University Law School in 1997, and his LL.M. in Admiralty
and Maritime Law from Tulane University School of Law in 1998. Mr. Kehagiaras is admitted to
the State Bar of California and the State Bar of Michigan. Mr. Kehagiaras thanks Michael S.
McDaniel, Byron E. Countryman, an6 Cameron W. Roberts for .hei tho ghls, ana'xy~s, nnd
1. James N. Kirby, Pty Ltd. v. Norfolk Southern Railway Co., 300 F.3d 1300, 2002 AMC
2113 (11 th Cir. 2002), cert. granted, 157 L. Ed. 2d 811, 124 S. Ct. 2926 (2004),

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