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23 Quinnipiac Health L. J. 229 (2020)
Physicians Beware! The Patients May Be Secretly Recording the Encounter

handle is hein.journals/qhlj23 and id is 237 raw text is: 

                  PHYSICIANS BEWARE!

                   SAMUEL D. HODGE, JR.*

The doctor-patient relationship lies at the heart of health care, and
    patient trust is a fundamental aspect of that relationship.'

* Samuel D. Hodge, Jr. is a professor at Temple University where he teaches

law, anatomy, and forensic courses. He also serves as a mediator and neutral
arbitrator for the Dispute Resolution Institute in Philadelphia. Professor Hodge
is considered one of the most popular CLE speakers in the country. He has
authored more than 175 articles on the intersection between law and medicine,
published ten books, and has received the distinction of being named a top
lawyer in Pennsylvania on multiple occasions.

     I Tayla Holman, How to Build Trust to Improve the Doctor-Patient Relationship,
DIGNITY HEALTH (June 27, 2017), https://www.dignityhealth.org/articles/how-to-build-patient-


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