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4 Colum. J. Gender & L. 203 (1994)
What a Waste - Beautiful, Sexy Gal - Hell of a Lawyer: Film and the Female Attorney

handle is hein.journals/coljgl4 and id is 209 raw text is: WHAT A WASTE. BEAUTIFUL, SEXY GAL.
Carolyn Lisa Miller*
Previously an impenetrable bastion, the castle of patriarchal legal
privilege has begun to crumble. Women are entering law school in
numbers almost equal to their male counterparts.'  Women constitute
twenty-seven percent of the full-time law faculty, and comprise fifty-four
percent of deans and administrators.2 However, the fact that women have
become a familiar and permanent part of the legal landscape has been
largely ignored by those who mass produce legal images, consumed by the
public via print, television, or film. This cultural production, or legal
culture, is the composite of the ideas, attitudes, values, and opinions
about law held by people in a society,3 and it has a much greater impact
on the common understanding of the law than any American Bar
Association report.
In recognition of this influence, legal scholarship has turned its
academic attention to this field, attempting to tease out the discrete steps in
the process which begins with the creation of an image and ends in the
assumption on the part of a layperson that his/her attorney will act like the
main characters of A Few Good Men or The Firm. A critical legal eye has
now been focused on the cultural production which is the public's primary
source of information on the legal profession. While popular movies do not
have any presumptive educational missions, many simulated television
courtroom dramas do. The long-running program The People's Court, for
example, publishes a legal guide as a companion to its television show.
Noting its purported ability to both educate and entertain, Professor
Anthony Chase writes:   Few of the orthodox West and Foundation
published casebooks could make the latter claim and none of the
t Presumed Innocent (Warner Brothers 1990).
* Carolyn Lisa Miller received her A.B. from Princeton University in 1992 and
expects to receive her J.D. from Columbia University School of Law in 1995.
' Women are now 42.6% of J.D. candidates at A.B.A.-accredited law schools, and
34.4% of post-J.D. candidates. Am. Bar Ass'n, A Review of Legal Education in the
United States, Fall 1992, at 66 (1993).
-  Id. at 67.
' LawrenceM. Friedman, Law, Lawyers, and Popular Culture, 98 Yale L.J. 1579,
1579 (1989).

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