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4 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L. & Pol'y 119 (1993)
A Short Guide to the Rio Declaration

handle is hein.journals/colenvlp4 and id is 127 raw text is: A Short Guide to the Rio
by Jeffrey D. Kovart
The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development' is a typical
product of a successful United Nations conference. Adopted by consensus
by more than 175 countries at the United Nations Conference on Environ-
ment and Development (UNCED), the Declaration is a statement of prin-
ciples or goals. It is drafted in typically general-sometimes vague-lan-
guage, andit touches on many of the political topics of the day in the United
Nations. Above all, it balances conflicting policy positions sufficiently well
to permit consensus with only a few unilateral clarifying statements for the
Typical or not, the Rio Declaration has been greeted with some
disappointment because it did not meet the expectations raised by the
secretary-general of the Conference, Maurice Strong, who had called for
UNCED to produce an Earth Charter. Although Strong never really
spelled out the contents he envisioned for his proposed Earth Charter, the
title alone evoked a passionate debate from people inside and outside
government. Many argued that UNCED should produce an Earth Charter
that would stir the hearts and minds of people all over the world, awaken
them to the environmental perils and challenges before them, and inspire
them to join together to achieve a healthy planet. The Charter would be
taught in schools, hung in homes, memorized, and recited.
Perhaps it is not surprising that the Rio Declaration did not meet these
kinds of expectations. Nevertheless, during UNCED, Strong,2 Canadian
t Office of the Legal Adviser, US Department of State. The views expressed by the
author are his and do not represent the official views of the Office of the Legal Adviser or
the US Department of State.
1. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development, -U.N. Doc. A/CONF.151/5/Rev. 1(1992), reprinted in 31
I.L.M. 874 [hereinafter Rio Declaration].
2. Report of the UnitedNations Conference on Environment and Development, United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development, at50, 73, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.151/26
(vol. IV) (1992) [hereinafter UNCED Report].

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