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24 Barry L. Rev. 53 (2018-2019)
States as Civil Rights Actors: Assessing Advocacy Mechanisms within a State's Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches

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                             JUDICIAL BRANCHES

                                                                 Jennifer Safstrom  *

I.  Introduction...............................................54
II  Background................................                ....................54
III. Legislative Branch..........................................55
    A.  Protective Legislation ....................              .................56
    B.  Preemption   Laws......................                ..................58
IV  Executive  Branch........................                 ...................61
    A.  Governor..............................................62
    B.   State Attorney General....................................65
    C.  State Agencies..........................69
V   Judicial Branch............................................ 70
V   Analysis  ofState Capacity to Act in Furtherance  of Civil Rights   ................ 73
VII Conclusion................................................ 79

     *Dunn Legal Fellow, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia; Georgetown Law, J.D., 2018;
University of Miami, B.A., 2011.
    I extend my sincere appreciation to Professors David Lopez and Tanya Goldman for teaching the course that
inspired this paper. Many thanks to Sarah Greenberg for her invaluable feedback. I am also grateflul for the sugges-
tions provided by the attendees of the Fourth Annual Constitutional Law Scholars Forum and the insight offered by
the staff of the Barry Law Review. Thank you to my famnily for their love, support, and encouragement. All views
and opinions expressed herein are my own.


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