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99 Foreign Aff. 96 (2020)
The Tragedy of Vaccine Nationalism: Only Cooperation Can End the Pandemic

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The Tragedy of Vaccine


Only Cooperation Can End the Pandemic

Thomas J Bollyky and Chad P. Bown

   Trump administration   officials have compared the global alloca-

        tion of vaccines against the coronavirus that causes covID-19 to
        oxygen masks dropping inside a depressurizing airplane. You
put on your own first, and then we want to help others as quickly as
possible, Peter Marks, a senior official at the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration who oversaw the initial phases of vaccine development
for the U.S. government, said during a panel discussion in June. The
major difference, of course, is that airplane oxygen masks do not drop
only in first class-which is the equivalent of what will happen when
vaccines eventually become available if governments delay providing
access to them to people in other countries.
  By  early July, there were 160 candidate vaccines against the new
coronavirus in development, with 21 in clinical trials. Although it
will be months, at least, before one or more of those candidates has
been proved to be safe and effective and is ready to be delivered,
countries that manufacture vaccines (and wealthy ones that do not)
are already competing to lock in early access. And to judge from the
way governments  have acted during the current pandemic and past
outbreaks, it seems highly likely that such behavior will persist.
Absent an international, enforceable commitment to distribute vac-
cines globally in an equitable and rational way, leaders will instead
prioritize taking care of their own populations over slowing the

THOMAS  J. BOLLYKY is Director of the Global Health Program at the Council on Foreign
CHAD P. BOWN is Reginald Jones Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International


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