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3 U. Ottawa L. & Tech. J. 249 (2006)
Invading the Mind: The Right to Privacy and the Definition of Terrorism in Canada

handle is hein.journals/uoltj3 and id is 249 raw text is: Invading the Mind: The Right to Privacy and the
Definition of Terrorism in Canada
Alysia Davies*
THIS PAPER DEALS WITH THE PREDICTIVE CRIME MODEL that was unleashed in the war against
terrorism and its implications for the right to privacy in Canada. The paper is divided into four parts.
First, it examines the definition of terrorism found in the 2001 anti-terrorism legislation, which
includes a motivational element that requires investigators to prove an offence was committed for
a political, religious or ideological purpose, objective or cause. Then it discusses the development
and philosophical underpinnings of the right to privacy and the current state of protection for this
right under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, with a particular focus on the nascent
privacy jurisprudence under section 7. The paper then lays out a hypothetical scenario based on the
application of offences under the anti-terrorism legislation, and demonstrates how the interests that
the right to privacy is supposed to protect could be violated by provisions that are based on the
terrorism definition. Finally, the paper looks at the direction that Charter jurisprudence may need to
take in order to protect privacy in the future, looking in particular at the principles of fundamental
justice under section 7, their current content, and the need to adapt them to the new technological
crimefighting environment.
contre le terrorisme et de ses repercussions sur le droit a la vie priv6e au Canada. L'article est
subdivis6 en quatre parties. La premiere examine la d~finition du terrorisme 6nonc~e dans la loi
antiterrorisme de 2001, qui comporte un 616ment motivationnel obligeant les responsables
d'enquete 6 d~montrer qu'une infraction a 6t6 commise «< au nom d'un but, d'un objectif ou d'une
cause de nature politique, religieuse ou id6ologique )). La deuxieme examine 1'6volution et les
fondements philosophiques du droit   la vie priv~e et I'6tat actuel de cette protection en vertu de la
Charte canadienne des droits et libert6s, plus particuli~rement en jetant un regard sur la
jurisprudence nouvelle en mati~re de la vie priv~e fond~e sur I'article 7. Troisi~mement, I'article
pr6sente un scenario hypoth6tique fond6 sur les infractions de terrorisme pr6vues dans cette loi et
d~montre comment les int~r&ts que cherchent 6 prot~ger le droit   la vie priv~e peuvent faire I'objet
d'atteintes par la mise en oeuvre des dispositions appliquant la definition du terrorisme. Enfin,
I'article explore la voie que pourrait devoir suivre la jurisprudence fond~e sur la Charte afin de
prot6ger dans l'avenir la vie privee, en pretant une attention particuli6re aux principes de justice
fondamentale 6nonc~s   I'article 7, au contenu de ces protections, et   la n~cessit6 de les adapter
au nouveau milieu technologique de lutte contre les infractions criminelles.
Copyright © 2006 by Alysia Davies.
*   Alysia Davies is a practising lawyer in Ottawa, Ontario. This paper was completed with the assistance of a
publication grant from the University of Toronto Centre for Innovation Law and Policy.

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