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10 Mich. Bus. & Entrepreneurial L. Rev. 179 (2020-2021)
Precise Punishment: Why Precise Punitive Damage Requests Result in Higher Awards than Round Requests

handle is hein.journals/mijoeqv10 and id is 193 raw text is: PRECISE PUNISHMENT:
Michael Conklin *
I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 179
II. LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................... 180
A.   The Anchoring  Effect Generally.................................................. 180
B. Precise Versus Round Anchors ................................................... 183
C .  P unitive  D am ages  .......................................................................184
III.  M ETHODOLOGY   AND  PREDICTIONS..................................................... 187
IV .  R E SU LT S  .............................................................................................188
V. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................190
A .  G en era l.......................................................................................19 0
B.   Civil Defense Attorney  Relevance............................................... 193
C .  F uture  R esearch.......................................................................... 194
VI. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................195
VII. APPENDIX A........................................................................................196
Imagine a setting where someone asks two people what the temperature is
outside. The first person says it is 80 OF, while the second person says it is 78.7
OF. Research regarding precise versus round cognitive anchoring suggests that
the second person is more likely to be believed.1 This is because it is human
nature to assume that if someone gives a precise answer, he must have good
reason for doing so.2 This principle remains constant in a variety of settings,
including used car negotiations,3 eBay transactions,4 and estimating the field
goal percentage of a basketball player.5
*   Powell Endowed Professor of Business Law, Angelo State University. For a TED Talk
the author gave on the subject of cognitive anchoring, see TEDx Talks, Anchoring I Michael
Conklin I TEDxGrandiunction, YouTUBE (Oct. 17, 2018), https://youtu.be/UvF2wl03iX4.
1. See, e.g., Malia F. Mason, Alice J. Lee, Elizabeth A. Wiley & Daniel R. Ames, Precise
Offers are Potent Anchors: Conciliatory Counteroffers and Attributions of Knowledge in Negotia-
tions, 49 J. EXPERIMENTAL SOC. PSYCH. 759 (2013).
2. See id. at 762.
3. See David D. Loschelder, Johannes Stuppi & Roman Trotschel, E14,875?!: Precision
Boosts the Anchoring Potency of First Offers, 5 SOC. PSYCH. & PERS. SCi. 491, 491 (2013).


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