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8 Me. L. Rev. 25 (1914-1915)
Inns and Innkeepers

handle is hein.journals/maine8 and id is 29 raw text is: MAI[NE LAW REVIEW
VOL. VIII      DECEMBER, 1914           No. 2

N O word has a more interesting legal history, one most. closely
entwined with the development of civilization, the spreading
of arts and commerce, the growth of distinctive nations, the portray-
ing of local characteristics, than the word inn, its correlative inn-
keeper, the Latin caupones. In the olden days when the means of
transit on land were either foot or horseback, necessity compelled
the traveler, be he on the road for pleasure or gain to so plan his
journey that nightfall might overtake him in the vicinage of some
dwelling where food and lodging could be obtained. Otherwise the
wild animals of the woods would destroy all claims to restful sleep.
Further than his own discomfort, the dwellers-round would, by his
stay outside their houses, be deprived of obtaining any news from the
neighboring towns. In this early society-after the period of the
distrustful stranger had elapsed and even down to mediaeval
times, the wayfarer could be, in many remote and unvisited regions,
sure of a hearty welcome at any hut or lodge for the worth of news
he might bring. In fact so honored a guest was he that it was con-
sidered a severe and almost unpardonable insult or slight for a well
ranked traveler not to partake the hospitality of the entertainer for
a couple days-one being spent in telling and celebrating the news,
the other in recovering and starting anew(s). Perhaps this accounts
in a measure for the length of time of many early trips.

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