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30 Tul. J.L. & Sexuality 153 (2021)
Separation Equality: Retroactive Community Property Regimes for Long-Term Same-Sex Couples

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Separation Equality:
Retroactive Community Property Regimes
for Long-Term Same-Sex Couples
Andrew M. Albritton*
I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 153
II. LEGAL BACKGROUND ...................................................................... 155
A.    Overview of Community Property ....................................155
B.    Retroactivity of Fundamental Rights................................159
C. Marriage-Like Regimes Prior to Marriage Equality .......162
III. COMPARABLE CASE LAW ................................................................ 167
A. Hard v. Attorney General of Alabama .............................167
B.    In  re  Estate  of  Carter.........................................................168
C. Schuett v. FedEx Corporation ..........................................171
IV. HYPOTHETICAL APPLICATION.......................................................... 173
V .   C ON CLU SION  ....................................................................................176
The U.S. Supreme Court's holding in Obergefell v. Hodges, which
established a fundamental marriage right for all couples regardless of
sexual orientation or gender, has had profound effects throughout society
during the five years since its decision.' By enabling LGBTQ+ couples to
legally marry in all fifty states, the Court's decision affected much of the
law applying to existing marriage laws.2 The implications created by a
*    © 2021 Andrew M. Albritton. J.D. 2021, Tulane University Law School; B.S.B.A.
2017, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. The author would like to thank Dean Sally Richardson
for her advisement in the development of this topic, his fellow members of the Tulane Journal of
Law & Sexuality, and his friends and family for their unwavering support throughout his legal
1.   576 U.S. 644 (2015); see Andrew R. Flores et al., The Impact ofObergefell v. Hodges:
On the Well-Being ofLGBTAdults, WILLIAMS INST. 1 (2020) (describing the increased happiness
and life satisfaction in the LGBTQ+ population following their recognized right to marry in 2015).
2.   Mahin Aminian et al., Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships, GEO. J. GENDER
& L. 711, 730 (2017) (explaining that over twenty states had a constitutional or statutory ban on
same-sex marriage before Obergefell).

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