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7 Indon. L. Rev. 155 (2017)
The Total People's Defense and Security System: Issues Related to State-Sponsored Militia in Indonesia

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Indonesia Law Review (2017) 2: 155 - 177
ISSN: 2088-8430 | e-ISSN: 2356-2129



                                    Bhatara   Ibnu  Reza*

  Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Australia

Article   Info

Received:  14 September 2016  | Received in revised form: 12 June 2016 | Accepted: 12 April 2017
Corresponding   author's e-mail: bhatara.reza@gmail.com

The  establishment of state-sponsored militia has raised concerns of human rights violations in non-
international armed conflict in Indonesia. Most of the state-sponsored militia have been formed and tacitly
supported by the Indonesian National Defense Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) mostly based on the
implementation of a concept called the Total People's Security and Defense System (sistem pertahanan rakyat
semesta-sishankamrata). The Total People's Security and Defense System is the grand strategy adopted
based on Indonesia's experience during Indonesia's physical revolution or armed struggle for independence
(1945-1949) and  recognized under the Second Amendment  to the 1945 Constitution. This article will
elaborate on, first, the constitutional history and ideology of 'total people's defense' which contributes to the
political ideology of the military and its relations with the existence of militia groups; and second, the active
encouragement  of militia abuses by the Indonesian military as part of a campaign to maintain control of
regions seeking independence, along with the constraints imposed by the military itself on the manner in
which it conducts such campaign.
Keywords:  Total People's Defense and Security System, State-sponsored militia, Military, Constitution

Pembentukan  milisi yang didukung oleh negara telah meningkatkan perhatian terhadap pelanggaran
hak asasi manusia dalam konflik bersenjata noninternasional. Kebanyakan dari milisi tersebut dibentuk
dan  diukung oleh Tentara Nasional Indonesia secara diam-diam berdasarkan penerapan konsep yang
dinamakan  sistem pertahanan rakyatsemestea - sishankamrata. Sishankamrata adalah strategi besar yang
diadopsi berdasarkan pengalaman Indonesia selama masa revolusifisik atau perjuangan bersenjata untuk
kemerdekaan  (1945 - 1949) dan diakui dalam amandemen kedua UUD 1945. Tulisan ini akan menjabarkan,
pertama, sejarah konstitusional dan ideologi sishankamrata yang berkontribusi terhadap ideologi politik
militer dan hubungannya terhadap keberadaan dari kelompok milisi; kedua, dukungan aktif militer terhadap
pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh militer sebagai bagian kampanye untuk memelihara kendali atas daerah
yang mencari kemerdekaan, dengan batasan yang ditetapkan oleh militer itu sendiri dalam pelaksanaan
kampanye  tersebut.
Kata kunci: Sistem Pertahanan RakyatSemesta, milisiyang didukung oleh negara, militer, konstitusi

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15742/ilrev.v7n2.319,3

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