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85 Wash. U. L. Rev. 101 (2007-2008)
Banishment by a Thousand Laws: Residency Restrictions on Sex Offenders

handle is hein.journals/walq85 and id is 107 raw text is: BANISHMENT BY A THOUSAND LAWS:
IN TR O D U CTION   ........................................................................................ 102
i. BANISHMENT AS PUNISHMENT ............................................................ 106
A .   E xp ulsion  .................................................................................  107
B .   P rison  C olonies  ....................................................................... 109
C .  Internal  E xile  ........................................................................... 111
D.    Banishment in the United States .............................................. 112
1.   F ederal  L aw   ....................................................................  114
2 .   S ta te  L aw   .........................................................................  117
ii. CONTROLLING AND PUNISHING SEX OFFENDERS .............................. 119
A.    State  and  Local Efforts ............................................................ 122
1.   S ta tes  ...............................................................................  12 2
2 .   L oca lities  .........................................................................  12 5
B.    Judicial Responses to State and Local Efforts ........................ 127
C .  P rivate  A ctors ..........................................................................  128
iii. BANISHMENT AND SEX OFFENDERS .................................................. 130
A.    Are Residency Restrictions Banishment?-Court Opinions .... 130
B .   W hat is  B anishm ent?  ............................................................... 133
C.   Are Residency Restrictions Banishment?           Revisited .............. 135
IV. THE FAILINGS OF INTERNAL EXILE ................................................... 139
A.    Problems with Internal Exile of Sex Offenders ....................... 139
B.    Class-Based Banishment in American Democracy ................. 146
C.   Aggravating     Factors  ............................................................... 147
1.   Racing   to  the  Bottom  ....................................................... 148
2.    Uncertainty   Effect ............................................................ 149
3.   A ggregation   .....................................................................  150
D. Legal Implications of Residency Restrictions as Banishment. 151
E.    Addressing Arguments for Residency Restrictions ............... 153
* © Corey Rayburn Yung. Assistant Professor of Law at John Marshall Law School and author
of the Sex Crimes Blog (http://sexcrimes.typepad.com). I would like to thank Ethan Lieb, Wayne
Logan, Andrew Peterson, and the editors of the Washington University Lair Revieiw for their
comments and suggestions.

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