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60 Wash. U. J. L. & Pol'y 235 (2019)
Gun Violence Prevention 2.0: A New Framework for Addressing America's Enduring Epidemic

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    Gun   Violence Prevention 2.0: A New Framework for
           Addressing America's Enduring Epidemic

                            Mike   McLively*

  The  gun  violence debate  in this country has felt frozen for many  years,
and  a re-framing  of the issue from  the perspectives of public  health and
human   rights has  the potential to help  us as  a society to  re-think this
epidemic  in a way that could be truly transformative.
  My   name  is Mike McLively   and  I'm a Senior Staff Attorney at Giffords
Law   Center,  where  I  direct our  Urban   Gun  Violence   Initiative.' My
organization  is named   for Gabby   Giffords, the former   Congresswoman
who   was  shot  in       the head in Arizona in 2011.2 We   are  a national
organization dedicated  to reducing gun violence  in America.
   Our goal  is to continue to push for better gun laws  and policies in this
country, while  also recognizing  that the law has a role to play in directly
supporting  evidence-based,  community-driven solutions to gun violence.
We   advocate  for the scaling up of those  solutions in our most  impacted
communities,  which  all too often are underserved communities   of color.
   Gun  violence  is an American   epidemic  that claims  more  than  30,000
lives each year and leaves  tens of thousands of people injured.4 In the face
of  these statistics, and  as we   start to talk about  important   but  also
sometimes   abstract notions like human  rights, it's easy to become numb  to
the pain  this epidemic  is bringing to our  friends, neighbors,  and fellow
Americans   every  single day. So,  I want to reflect for just a moment   on

*.   Mike McLively is a Senior Staff Attorney at Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. He
is the director of Giffords' Urban Gun Violence Initiative, where he oversees an effort to use policy
mechanisms to support and promote evidence-based violence intervention strategies to reduce gun
violence in America's most impacted communities. This article is an edited version of remarks he gave
on November 2, 2018 at the Harris Institute conference on Interdisciplinary and Human Rights
Approaches to the Gun Violence Crisis in the United States. Learn more about Giffords' work at
1. Intervention Strategies, GIFFORDS LAW  CTR.  TO   PREVENT  GUN    VIOLENCE,
s.org/gun-laws/policy-areas/other-laws-policies/intervention-strategies (last updated July 16, 2017).
2. Arizona  Safeway Shootings Fast  Facts, CNN   (Dec.  31,  2018,  7:17 AM)
3. GIFFORDS: COURAGE TO FIGHT GUN VIOLENCE, https://giffords.org/ (last visited Jan. 3, 2019).
4.   Fatal Injury Data, CTR. FOR DISEASE CONTROL, https://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/fatal.html
(follow WISQARS hyperlink; choose year(s) and follow Explore Data hyperlink) (last reviewed
Oct. 3, 2018).


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