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18 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 145 (2009)
Sex Offender Laws of the United Kingdom and the United States: Flawed Systems and Needed Reforms

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          Sex Offender Laws of the United Kingdom
                       and the United States:
             Flawed Systems and Needed Reforms

                             Autumn Long*

I.  INTRODU CTION ............................................................................................. 145
II. U .S. SEX OFFENDER LAW S ........................................................................... 147
    A. Sex Offender Registration and Public Notification Laws .................. 147
    B. Criticism of Registration and Notification Laws ............................... 150
    C.  R esidency  R estrictions .......................................................................... 153
III. INTERNATIONAL APPROACHES: THE UNITED KINGDOM .............................. 154
    A. The Development of Sex Offender Laws in the United Kingdom ....... 155
    B.  The Sex Offender Act of 1997 ............................................................... 157
    C. Residency Restrictions and Other Means of Regulating Sex
        O ffenders  ............................................................................................... 159
    R ECIDIV ISM ?  ................................................................................................ 160
V. AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH: CASTRATION ................................................. 164
V I. C ON CLU SION  ................................................................................................ 166

                              I. INTRODUCTION
    In today's world, society loathes sex offenders more than almost all other
criminals: people fear personal crimes such as rape, assault, and robbery
more than other crimes;' parents indoctrinate their children with stranger
danger rhetoric;2 the public demonizes pedophiles;3 and fellow prison inmates
view sex offenders as the personification of evil. 4

*J.D. Candidate, The University of Iowa College of Law, May 2009.
'See Frank P. Williams, Marilyn D. McShane & Ronald L. Akers, Worry About Victimization: An
Alternative and Reliable Measure for Fear of Crime, W. CRIMINOLOGY REV. 2(2) (2000), available
at http://wcr.sonoma.edu/v2n2/williams.html (discussing the public fear of victimization as well
as fear with regard to various types of crimes).
2See John M. Carpino, Stranger Danger, http://safetycops.comlstranger - danger.htm (last visited
Feb. 12, 2009) (soliciting parents to teach their children to avoid stranger danger).

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