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6 Technium Soc. Sci. J. 116 (2020)
Exploration of Leadership, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Performance

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                                                           Technium Social Sciences Journal
                                                                  Vol. 6, 116-130, April 2020
                                                                            ISSN: 2668-7798
          SOCIAL SCIENCES JOURNAL                                  www.techniumscience.com

Exploration of Leadership, Organizational Culture,
Job Satisfaction, and Employee Performance

               Purwadi, Dio Caisar Darma2, Widya Febrianti3, Dedy Mirwansyah4
               Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman
               University, Samarinda, Indonesia', Department of Management, Samarinda High
               College of Economics, Samarinda, Indonesia2, Department of Management, Faculty of
               Economics and Business, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Indonesia3,
               Department of Information System, Faculty of Computer Science, Mulia University,
               Samarinda, Indonesia4
               purwadi cifeb.unmul.ac.id', diocaisarO9@gmail.com2, widyafebrianti98 @'ingmail.com3,
               dedy.m cuniversitasmulia.ac.id4

               Abstract. The purpose of the organization is to obtain maximum results and also pay attention
               to perfornance in the process of these objectives. The description of the research aims to
               explore the relationship between leadership and organizational culture on job satisfaction and
               employee performance. The independent variables of this research are leadership and
               organizational culture. Meanwhile, job satisfaction and perfornance are included in the
               dependent variable. This research was conducted at the Department of Transportation
               (Samarinda City) consisting of 83 respondents. Research is descriptive and quantitative. Data
               collection by questionnaire by testing the leadership and organizational culture on perfornance
               and moderated by the variable job satisfaction. Data analysis uses the Partial Least Square
               (PLS) technique. Empirical findings indicate that leadership and organizational culture have a
               positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Leadership and organizational culture have a
               positive and significant impact on performance. On one hand, the results of the study also
               showed that job satisfaction had a negative and not significant effect on perfornance.
               Researchers who have a focus on the variables in this study, in order to be able to use the
               criteria for selecting more respondents and more detailed in the future.

               Keywords. Leadership, Organizational culture, Job satisfaction, Employee perfornance.

    1. Introduction
       Human resource management is a field of management that studies the relationships
between people in organizations. In essence, studying the relationship with human resources.
The purpose of the organization is to obtain maximum results and also pay attention to
performance in the process of these objectives.
        The quality of human resources determines the success of an organization. Quality
human resources have excellent physical and mental psychological elements so as to improve
the performance of employees in improving their performance. Performance is a result or
overall level of success of a person during a certain period in carrying out the task compared
with various possibilities, such as work standards, targets or targets criteria that have been

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