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2018 U. Ill. J.L. Tech. & Pol'y 197 (2018)
Garbage in, Garbage out: Is Seed Set Disclosure a Necessary Check on Technology-Assisted Review and Should Courts Require Disclosure?

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                                                      Shannon H. Kitzer*

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS
I.     Introduction  ......................................................................................... 197
II.    B ackground ......................................................................................... 200
III.   A naly sis  ............................................................................................... 206
       A.  Courts Have Split on Whether Seed Sets Should be Disclosed,
           in Part Because TAR Does Not Fit Within Traditional
           Applications of Federal Rules ..................................................... 206
       B.  Seed Sets Have a Relational or Procedural Relevance and
           Thus Should be Considered Relevant Within the Meaning
           of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ...................................... 209
       C.  Even if Seed Sets are Relevant, They Nonetheless may be
           Protected by the Attorney Work Product Doctrine ...................... 210
       D.  In the Event of a Dispute, a Daubert-style Analysis is Necessary
           for Trial Courts to Serve Their Gatekeeping Function ............... 214
IV .   R ecom m endations ............................................................................... 2 17
V .    C onclusion .......................................................................................... 220

                           I. INTRODUCTION

     At this point in the evolution of e-discovery, it is probably best for all
concerned to 'drop the e,' and recognize that e-discovery encompasses all
discovery.1 Parties to litigation are increasingly faced with vast amounts of

    * J.D., University of Illinois College of Law, 2018; B.A., Northwestern University, 2011. This Note is
dedicated in memory of my father, Alan J. Kitzer. A special thank you to Eric A. Johnson, and the University of
Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy editors, members, and staff for their contributions in editing this
Note. Lastly, I extend my sincerest gratitude to my family and friends for their continued love and support-
particularly to my mother, Maureen D. Kitzer, and to Fallon M. Kelly, Erin R. Suhajda and Kelly B. Baron.
    1. Tracy Greer, Avoiding E-Discovery Accidents & Responding to Inevitable Emergencies: A
Perspective fJom the Antitrust Division, ABA SPRuNG MEETING 1, 9 (Mar. 2017), https://www.justice.gov/
atr/page/ file/953381/download.

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