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35 Hastings Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 217 (2012)
Face-Veil Bans and Anti-Mask Laws: State Interests and the Right to Cover the Face

handle is hein.journals/hasint35 and id is 225 raw text is: Face-Veil Bans and Anti-Mask Laws:
State Interests and the Right to Cover the
... because certain individuals need to conceal their identities in
order to speak publicly, the anonymity provided by their masks is
inextricably intertwined with their right to free speech.
-Stephen J. Simoni'
Covering one's face from the view of others is a way of protecting
one's anonymity. The right to anonymity, if there is such a right, is
closely linked to the right of privacy that is guaranteed by the
French civil code and by the European Convention on Human
Rights. On public streets or in an outdoor market, one's anonymity
enjoys legal protection from photographers. Other than permitting
identification, there would appear to be no legitimate public
interest in compelling people to expose their faces.
-Ronald Sokol2
I. Introduction
In the new millennium, a series of nations have advanced
legislation banning the wearing of face-veils. France and Belgium
* J.D. Candidate, 2012, University of California, Hastings College of the Law. Ph.D.
in Drama and the Humanities, Stanford University, 2001. The author has published
previously on the subject of modern theatre in the Islamic world, especially in
1. Stephen J. Simoni, Who Goes There?-Proposing a Model Anti-Mask Act,
61 FORDHAM L. REV. 241, 251 (1992).
2. Ronald Sokol, My Burqa Is None of Your Business, N.Y. TIMES, July 2, 2009,


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