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2 Austl. L. Libr. 338 (1994)
Cuban Cocktail: IFLA in Havana

handle is hein.journals/auslwlib2 and id is 352 raw text is: Cuban Cocktail: IFLA in Havana
Gayle Davies1
Director, Library Services
Family Court of Australia
The IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) 60th Conference was
held 21-27 August 1994, in Havana, Cuba. The theme of the Conference was
Libraries and Society.
The Conference was attended by 1500 delegates from all over the world, from a
huge variety of libraries, including United Nations libraries, national and parliamentary
libraries. I was the only Australian law librarian attending. Other attendees from
Australia included the National Librarian, the Librarian of the National Gallery
Research Library, and several academics from Schools of Library and Information
Librarians from the US Library of Congress had to obtain special permission from
the State Department to attend. There were also difficulties for other American
librarians in travelling to Cuba, as a plane was turned back from Miami with a
suspected bomb on board.
The Conference was very well organized. As part of the preparations, recognizing
that communications with Havana might be difficult, IFLA, with the assistance of
the National Library of Canada, established an e-mail link on the Internet. This
will be expanded across the broader membership, to form IFLANET.
A full set of Conference papers was provided to every delegate on arrival. This
was a significant achievement, given the acute shortage of paper in Cuba (the
Swedish Government donated a million sheets of paper), and is something that
Australian library AND law conferences would do well to emulate. All papers were
available in either English or Spanish. Simultaneous oral translations were provided
into English, Spanish, French, German and Russian. The Conference was well
covered in the Cuban media, as there is a great interest and emphasis in Cuba on
education and universal literacy.
Overseas delegates were met by IFLA representatives at the airport, and were well
looked after by guides from the Cuban government tourist agency, who were
available in every hotel. Delegates were quite free to walk around and explore
Havana, and the taxi service was excellent, as drivers will turn the meter off if
they have to wait for you! Hotel standards are very similar to ours, although
1 Gayle Davies can be contacted on fax no. (02) 212 4761 or e-mail NFCA@slim.slnsw.gov.au.

Australian LAW LIBRARIAN 2(6) December 1994


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