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45 Transp. L.J. 57 (2018)
Does the Federal Aviation Administration Comply with the Improper Payments and Elimination Recovery Act When Awarding Airport Improvement Grants

handle is hein.journals/tportl45 and id is 75 raw text is: 


    Does  the  Federal  Aviation   Administration Comply
         With   the Improper Payments and Elimination
                 Recovery Act When Awarding Airport
                                     Improvement Grants?

                                               Raymond  Bender

    Frustrated by nearly half a century of extravagant spending and bal-
looning federal deficits (now over $22,300,000,000,000), Congress in 2010
passed the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act (IPERA).
Congress directed federal agencies to identify and eliminate federal waste
and recover improper payments made. Congress mainly targeted federal
entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, and Earned Income Tax
Credit) and Government grants to state and local entities (Entities).
    In the five years following IPERA's enactment, the federal agencies
charged with implementing it-the Government Accountability Office
(GAO)  and The  Office of Management and Budget (OMB) which re-
spectively serve as the spending watchdog and implement the President's
budget-have  identified many federal agency grant problems. This arti-
cle focuses on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), a Department
of Transportation (DOT) Agency. Currently, DOT and other federal
transportation agencies track state and local expenditures after grants are
made but fail to assure that grants awarded for projects are properly justi-
fied consistent with federal agency requirements.


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