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27 Seattle U. L. Rev. 75 (2003-2004)
The Ethical Responsibilities of Estate Planning Attorneys in the Representation of Non-Traditional Couples

handle is hein.journals/sealr27 and id is 85 raw text is: The Ethical Responsibilities of Estate Planning
Attorneys in the Representation of Non-Traditional
Jennifer Tulin McGrath*
I.  INTRODUCTION      ...............................................................  76
II.  T H E  FAM ILY  ....................................................................  77
A .  H istorical Background ................................................... 77
B. Traditional Families: Birth (Including Adoption) and
M  arriage .....................................................................  81
C. Non-Traditional Families: Alternatives to Marriage ..... 82
TRADITIONAL COUPLES .................................................. 83
A .  Introduction  .................................................................  83
B. Legal Recognition of the Non- Traditional Couple's
R elationship  .................................................................  84
1. Domestic Partnership and Other Contractual
A rrangem  ents .......................................................   84
2.  Business Partnership .............................................  85
3.  A dult A doption  .....................................................  86
4. Dissolution of Relationship ................................... 87
C .  A sset Planning .............................................................  87
1.  Joint Ownership with Rights of Survivorship ...... 87
2. Retirement Accounts and Social Security ................ 89
3.  Life  Insurance  .......................................................  89
D .  Estate  Planning  ...........................................................   91
1 .  In testacy  ...................................................................  9 1
2 .  W ills  .................................................................. . . .  9 1
3.  T rusts  ...................................................................  93
4. Living Wills; Powers of Attorney; Conservators,
and  G uardians .......................................................  95
E.   Tax Planning for Non-Traditional Couples .................... 96

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