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46 J. Space L. 158 (2022)
Lunar Missions by Newer Space Actors in the Next Five Years: An Evaluation of Legal Issues

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                      Upasana  Dasgupta*


    At  present, we are witnessing a renewed interest in probing
the Moon  by the space powers and private entities. With this re-
newed interest, it is relevant to evaluate the legality of carrying out
space activities in and around the Moon, including human settle-
ment and  mining, the legality of which are debatable. These opera-
tions will, in any case, require huge financial commitments, re-
sources and technological expertise which only a few governments
and even fewer private entities possess. However, there are several
other lunar activities possible which may be exercised by govern-
ments of non-space power States and small to medium sized private
space actors in near future, possibly within the next five years. This
article examines  the legal issues surrounding  these  possible
smaller scale lunar activities including: (a) deploying satellites in
lunar orbit; (b) providing cargo supplies to stations and installa-
tions on the Moon. Examination  of the legal issues will involve
learning lessons from space activities around the Earth's orbit and
understanding the physical differences between the Moon and the

   * Dr. Upasana Dasgupta is an Assistant Professor at the Jindal Global Law School,
email: upasana.dasgupta@jgu.edu.in. Upasana is grateful to Francois Dubrulle,
Founder/CEO, Qosmosys and Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics for their valuable inputs and suggestions which
helped in formulating the paper. The author is, however, solely responsible for inaccu-
racy of data, if any.


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