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25 J.L. Pol'y & Globalization 72 (2014)
The Supervision of Government on Implementation of Import of Processed Food Products in Effort of Legal Protection for Consumers

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Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization                                                     www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online)
Vol.25, 2014                                                                                       liSl

The Supervision of Government on Implementation of Import of

      Processed Food Products in Effort of Legal Protection for


                                             12                  3            4
                         Muhammad Sood,1 Sudarsono, Sihabudin, Hirsanuddin,
Increasing of imports product as if would be favorable the domestic consumers because many alternative
products that can be obtained by the consumer, but less recognized that not all the imported products have met
quality standard of safety and health. The issues in the research namely: Why the rules on the supervision of
imported food products are not effective, so that the processed food imports that do not meet health and safety
standards can enter and circulate in Indonesia; what efforts are undertaken by the Government (BPOM) to
overcome the ccirculation of imported processed food products that do not meet health and safety standards in
order to protect consumers.
The result of research shows that, the factors that influence are not effective the regulations on supervision of
import food products, namely: the policy of importation is still overlap; the limited staff/field officers; ppattern
of supervision is not thorough; there are many traffic lanes of unofficial goods in the border region; weak role of
the National Certification Body (BSN); the increasing needs of consumers; regardless of the quality of product;
g) low pproducer responsibility, weak legal awareness of consumers to report problematic food products; and
weak law enforcement. Government efforts (BPOM) to overcome the circulation of imported processed food
products that do not meet the safety and healt standards for protection consumers is through law enforcement
include: preventive measures, such as import regulations, product control, and development of (businesses,
consumers, and field supervisors); repressive measures such as: application of administrative sanctions, civil
sanctions (compensation), and criminal sanction).
Keywords: Supervision, import iimplementation, processed food, legal protection.

1. Introduction
International trade is a business activity lately progressed very rapidly. This is also in line with the increasingly
developing the circulation flow of goods, services and capital between countries, either through import-export
relations, investment, trade in services, licensing and franchising, intellectual property rights and technology
transfer. This activity has been going on both regional and global in scope, known as free trade.
Participation of Indonesia as a member of the world trade organization through its ratification of Law Number 7
of 1994 on Ratification of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade, on 2 November 1994 (L N. RI No.
1994. 57, TLN. RI. 3564), it brings the eexternal and internal consequences for Indonesia. The External
consequences, that Indonesia must comply with all the agreements in the WTO, while the internal consequences,
Indonesia should amend national legislation in accordance with the legal principles agreed in the GATT-WTO
Globalization in the trade sector in addition to providing a positive impact in facilitating import-export activities,
but on the other hand it turns free trade brings huge problems for producers and domestic consumers. For the
domestic industry, the influx of imported products pose severe competition, due to the ability of competing
domestic products in terms of quality and quantity is very limited. Another problem that as if by a surge in
imports, including imports of processing food would be favorable domestic consumers because many alternative
products that can be obtained by the consumer, but less recognized that not all processing food products
imported into Indonesia and outstanding meet quality and health standard for consumers, so too there are many
imported processing food products circulating in the community have not been registered and received
marketing authorization from the Food and Drug Supervisory Body (BPOM). A variety of food and beverage
products illegally entering and circulating in the market, other than through modern shops (retail) such as
hypermarkets, supermarkets and mini markets, but also through traditional markets.

1 Doctoral Students of Law Science, Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University
2 Promoter, a Professor on Study Program of Doctorate Law Science, Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University
3 Co-Promoters, a Lecturer on Study Program of Doctorate Law Science, Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University
4 Co-Promoters, a Lecturer on Study Program of Doctorate Law Science, Faculty of Law of Brawijaya University

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