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46 German Y.B. Int'l L. 123 (2003)
German Participation in United Nations Environmental Activities: From Stockholm to Johannesburg

handle is hein.journals/gyil46 and id is 124 raw text is: 

    German Participation in United Nations Environmental
           Activities: From Stockholm to Johannesburg

                   By Ulrich Beyerlin and Martin Reichard

                            A. Introduction'

  The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and its communist counterpart, the
former German Democratic Republic of Germany (GDR), became members of
the United Nations in 1973, one year after the United Nations Stockholm Confer-
ence on the Human Environment. The latter event can be seen as the beginning of
modern international environmental law. Thus, Germany joined the United Na-
tions at a time when global environmental protection was just emerging as an emi-
nent issue on the UN agenda. In the early 1970s, environmental protection be-
came a significant concern among the German public and was made an end in
itself. The then newly invested social-liberal German government developed a
genuine national environmental policy, as witnessed by a large number of national
environmental statutes and regulations in 1972 and subsequent years. This coin-
cided with Germany's entrance to the UN community of states. Thus, the then
FRG was well prepared to actively participate in UN environmental activities.
  Thirty years of German UN membership today merit an inquiry into what the
FRG has specifically contributed over the years to the development of environ-
mental protection within the United Nations.
  Our investigation will start on the international plane, by drawing a cursory
picture of the broad range of environment-related activities of the various UN or-
gans and bodies, such as the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC), the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), United Na-
tions Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN Regional Economic Commis-
sions, and the UN Specialized Agencies over the years. These activities have -

   ' The authors wish to express their thanks to the following for their important help in
collecting valuable information for this paper: RDir. Stephan Contius, ORR Dr. Enno
Harders, ORR Elisabeth Munzert, MinK Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlottmann, Mr Dirk Schwenzfeier,
Dr. Michael von Websky, MinR Paul Witting (all from the German Federal Environment
Ministry - BMU) and MDirig. Ines Schusdiarra (German Federal Transport Ministry -

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