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6 Tex. Rev. Ent. & Sports L. 55 (2004-2006)
Anti-Scalping Laws: Should They Be Forgotten

handle is hein.journals/tresl6 and id is 57 raw text is: ANTI-SCALPING LAWS:

By: Jonathan C. Benitah*
Introduction   ...............................................................................  56
I.History Behind Ticket Scalping .............................................. 57
A. What is a Ticket Scalper? ............................................ 57
B. History of Anti-Scalping Laws ................................... 57
C. What is a Ticket Broker? ............................................ 59
II.Why Current Legislation is Failing ....................................... 60
A. Interests Behind Anti-Scalping Legislation .............. 60
B. The Laws are Unconstitutional .................................. 61
1.  Custom  er Goodwill ................................................  61
2.  Prevent  Fraud  ........................................................  64
3.  Prom ote  Safety  ........................................................ 65
4.  Reim bursem  ent ......................................................  66
C. Laws Simply Do Not Work .......................................... 67
III. Arguments in Favor of Legalizing Ticket Scalping ............... 69
A. America has a Free Economic Market ....................... 69
B. Why is There a Need for Ticket Scalpers? ..................... 70
C. Equal Protection   ............................................................ 74
IV.Recent Trends Involving the Secondary Market .................. 74
V .Proposal for  Change ................................................................ 77
C onclu sion  ..................................................................................  78
. Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law      Center, J.D., 2005;
University of Central Florida, B.S.B.A., 2002. This article is dedicated to my
incredible wife and best friend, Estee, for her endless love and support, as well as
to my family for always being there for me.

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