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13 Transnat'l L. & Contemp. Probs. 771 (2003)
International Law at a Crossroads: Self-Defense, Global Terrorism, and Preemption (A Call to Rethink the Self-Defense Normative Framework)

handle is hein.journals/tlcp13 and id is 783 raw text is: International Law at a Crossroads: Self-Defense,
Global Terrorism, and Preemption (A Call to Rethink
the Self-Defense Normative Framework)
Mikael Nabati*
I.  INTRODUCTION: LAW AND POWER ............................................ 772
PARADIGM     ................................................................................. 775
A. Losing Relevance: Global Terrorism--a Direct
Challenge to the Charter System ...................................... 775
1. The Traditional Notion of Self-Defense under
Article 51 of the UN Charter ..................................... 775
a.  G ravity  .................................................................. 776
b.  T im ing  .................................................................. 777
c.  Necessity and Proportionality ............................. 778
2.  Terrorism  's  Challenge ................................................ 779
a. The Distinctive Nature of Global
Terrorism    ............................................................. 779
b. The Charter System is Inadequate to Meet
the Challenge Posed by Global Terrorism .......... 779
B. Losing Legitimacy: Humanitarian Intervention
and  Preventive  W ars ......................................................... 782
1. Anticipatory Humanitarian Intervention:
The  1999  Kosovo  Crisis .............................................. 783
a.  Illegal  ................................................................ 784
b.  ... But  legitim ate ............................................. 785
2. Anticipatory Self-Defense: The 2003
Allied Action Against Iraq ......................................... 786
a. Chronology of Events Leading to
the Use of Force Against Iraq .............................. 786
Candidate for J.D.fMaitrise en Droit, 2005 (Cornell Law School - Universitd Paris I
Panthon-Sorbonne). An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Yale Journal of
International Law Young Scholars Conference on World Public (Dis)Order: International
Law in an Age of Uncertainty. The conference was held on March 1, 2003 at Yale Law
School. The earlier paper also appeared in the May 2003 edition of Current History (102
CURRENT HISTORY 222 (2003)). This article expands on the previous one by discussing the
normative implications of the Iraq conflict and develops the proposed terrorism exception
theory of preemptive self-defense. I would like to express my gratitude to Professor David
Wippman, Assistant Professor Gitanjali Gutierrez, and Lecturer Andrea Mooney for their
insightful comments. I would also like to thank my parents, my brothers, and Amy Metzger
for their love and support.

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