New Content Added to HeinOnline March 2012

Total number of new pages included in this release: 1,152,876
This release brings the total number of pages in HeinOnline to: 76,770,930

American Association of Law Libraries (AALL)
American Indian Law Collection
American Law Institute Library
Bar Journals
Code of Federal Regulations
European Center for Minority Issues
Federal Register Library
Foreign & International Law Resources Database
History of International Law
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP)
Intellectual Property Law Collection
Law Journal Library
Legal Classics
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
New York Court of Appeals Records and Briefs
New York Legal Research Library
Scottish Legal History: Featuring Publications of the Stair Society
Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English Law
Session Laws Library
Spinelli’s Law Librarian’s Reference Shelf
State Attorney General Reports and Opinions (NEW)
Subject Compilations of State Laws (1960-2011)
Taxation & Economic Reform in America Parts I & II, 1781-2011
Treaties and Agreements Library
U.S. Congressional Documents
U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals
U.S. Federal Legislative History Library
U.S. Presidential Library
U.S. Supreme Court Library
United Nations Law Collection
United States Code
World Constitutions Illustrated
World Trials Library

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American Association of Law Libraries (AALL)


Law Library Journal
Vol. 104#1 (2012)

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American Indian Law Collection


Adair’s History of the American Indians
1v. Johnson City, Tenn: Watauga Press, 1930
Adair, James; Samuel Code, Editor

American Indians
1v. [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press, 1961
Hagan, William Thomas

Certain Water Right Claims of the Ak-Chin Indian Community: Hearing Before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, on S. 1582
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1977
United States

2v. Chicago: Field Columbian Museum, 1905
Dorsey, George Amos

Circular From the General Land Office, Showing the Manner of Proceeding to Obtain Title to Public Lands Under the Pre-Emption, Homestead, and Other Laws. Issued January 1, 1889
1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1889
United States. General Land Office.

English Institutions and the American Indian
1v. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1894
James, James Alton

Federal Indian Relations, 1774-1788
1v. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1933
Mohr, Walter H.

Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930. The Indian Population of the United States and Alaska
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1937
Arner, George B Louis

Handbook of Indians of Canada
1v. Ottawa: Printed by C.H. Parmelee, 1913; New York: Kraus Reprint, 1969 photo. reprint
Hodge, Frederick Webb

Historical Records of the Cherokee Indians Compiled to Honor the Famous Indian Woman Nancy Ward of Tennessee and Her Noted Uncle Atta Cullaculla and Son-in-Law: General Joseph Martin and Daughter Mrs General Joseph (Betsy Ward) Martin
1v. Washington, D.C.: L.K. McGhee, 1900
McGhee, Lucy Kate

History of Indian Policy
1v. Washington: Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1973
Tyler, S. Lyman

History of the Cherokee Indians and their Legends and Folk Lore
1v. Oklahoma City, Okla: The Warden Company, 1921; New York: Kraus Reprint, 1969
Starr, Emmet

History of the United States Indian Factory System, 1795-1822
1v. Denver: Sage Books, 1954
Peake, Ora Brooks

Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains
1v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co, 1918
Eastman, Charles Alexander

Law and Government of the Grand River Iroquois
1v. New York: Viking Fund, 1949
Noon, John A.

Massacre; a Survey of Today’s American Indian
1v. New York: Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith, 1931
Gessner, Robert

Movement for Indian Assimilation, 1860-1890
1v. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1963
Fritz, Henry Eugene

Moving Toward Self-Sufficiency for Indian People: Accomplishments 1983-84
1v. Washington, D.C.: [U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, 1984
Clark, William; Heckler, Margaret M.

New York Indians: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Eightieth Congress, Second Session
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1948
United States

Problem of Indian Administration; Report of a Survey Made at the Request of Honorable Hubert Work, Secretary of the Interior, and Submitted to Him, February 21, 1928
1v. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1928
Meriam, Lewis

Tales of the Cochiti Indians
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1931
Benedict, Ruth

Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology: To the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1915-1916
1v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1923
Smithsonian Institution

Water for Five Central Arizona Indian Tribes for Farming Operations: Hearings Before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, on S. 905
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1977
United States

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American Law Institute Library


American Law Institute – Annual Meeting Speeches
87th Annual Meeting (May 17-19, 2010)
88th Annual Meeting (May 16-18, 2011)

American Law Institute – Annual Meeting Proceedings
87th Annual Meeting (2010)

American Law Institute – The ALI Reporter
Vol. 33#1-4 (2010-2011)

Commercial Code
Uniform Commercial Code Official Text and Comments, 2009-2010 Ed. (2009)

Principles of the Law of Aggregate Litigation
Official Text 2010 (May 20, 2009)

Principles of the Law of Software Contracts
Official Text 2010 (May 19, 2009)

Restatement, Second, Torts
Restatement Appendix, [VOLUME 29] Sec. 310-402, 1998-2008 (2009)

Restatement, Third, Property: Wills and Other Donative Transfers
Restatement Volume 3 Sec. 13.1-27.3 (May 18, 2010)

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Bar Journals


Advocate (Idaho State Bar)
Vol. 55#1 (2012)

Alaska Bar Rag
Vol. 35 (2011)

Bar Leader
Vol. 35#1-4 (2010-2011)

CBA Record
Vol. 26#1 (2012)

Federal Lawyer
Vol. 59#1 (2012)

Florida Bar Journal
Vol. 86#1-2 (2012)

Journal of the Kansas Bar Association
Vol. 81#1 (2012)

Los Angeles Lawyer
Vol. 34#10 (2012)

Michigan Bar Journal
Vol. 91#1 (2012)

Mississippi Lawyer
Vol. 58#1 (2011)

Nassau Lawyer
Vol. 61#5 (2012)

Nebraska Lawyer
Vol. 15#1 (2012)

Nevada Lawyer
Vol. 20#1 (2012)

New Hampshire Bar News
Vol. 22#7-8 (2011-2012)

Ohio Lawyer
Vol. 26#1 (2012)

Ohio State Bar Association Reports
Vol. 85#6 (2012)

Oklahoma Bar Journal
Vols. 82#34 – 83#2 (2011-2012)

Oregon State Bar Bulletin
Vol. 72#4 (2012)

Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly
Vol. 83#1 (2012)

South Carolina Bar News
Vol. 23#1-2 (2011)

South Carolina Lawyer
Vol. 23#4 (2012)

St. Louis Bar Journal
Vol. 58#3 (2012)

Texas Bar Journal
Vol. 75#1-2 (2012)

Third Branch
Vol. 44#1 (2012)

Utah Bar Journal (Second Series)
Vol. 25#1 (2012)

Vermont Bar Journal
Vol. 37#3 (2011)

back to top

Code of Federal Regulations



Title 3. President
100 to 102

Title 42. Public Health
1 to 399
400 to 413
430 to 481

Title 43. Public Lands: Interior
1 to 999

Title 44. Emergency Management and Assistance

Title 45. Public Welfare
1 to 199

Title 46. Shipping
70 to 89
90 to 139
156 to 165
200 to 499
500 to END

Title 47. Telecommunication
20 to 39
40 to 69

Title 48. Federal Acquisition Regulations System
1 (52 to 99)
2 (201 to 299)
7 to 14
15 to 28
29 to END

Title 49. Transportation
100 to 177
200 to 299
300 to 399
1000 to 1199
1200 to END

Title 50. Wildlife and Fisheries
17 (17.1 to 17.95(B))
17 (17.96 to 17.98)
17 (17.99(A) to 17.99 (H))
17 (17.99 (I) to END
200 to 599
660 to END

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European Center for Minority Issues


ECMI Working Papers
No’s. 54-58 (2012)

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Federal Register Library


Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents
January 20, 2012 – February 16, 2012

Federal Register Index
Indexes to Vol. 76 (January – November, 2011)

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Foreign & International Law Resources Database


World Court; How It Began, How It Works, What It Has Done
1 v. New York: Workers Education Bureau Press, 1927


Canadian Yearbook of International Law
Vol. 43 (2005)

Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy
Vol. 7 (2011)

Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law Yearbook

back to top

History of International Law

American Conference on International Arbitration Held in Washington, D.C. April 22 and 23, 1896
1v. New York: Baker & Taylor, 1896.

Compulsory Arbitration of International Disputes
1v. New York: Columbia university press, 1932
Cory, Helen May

1v. New York: Coward-McCann, inc, 1929
de Madariaga, Salvador

Federation of the World
1v. Boston: Houghton, Miffin and company, 1899
Trueblood, Benjamin Franklin

General Index to International Law Situations, Topics, Discussions, Documents, and Decisions: Volumes 1 to XXX, 1901-1930
1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1933
Naval War College; GPO

Introduction to the Study of International Law, Designed as an Aid in Teaching, and in Historical Studies
1 v. New York: C. Scribner & Co, 1871 3rd ed., rev. and enl.
Woolsey, Theodore Dwight

On the Origin, Nature, Progress and Influence of Consular Establishments
1v. Paris: Printed and sold by Smith, 1813
Warden, David Bailie

Papers relating to the Work of the International Joint Commission
1v. Ottawa: [The Graphic publishers, limited], 1929

Proceedings of the International Conference of American States on Conciliation and Arbitration Held at Washington, December 10, 1928 – January 5, 1929
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1929

Second American Conference on International Arbitration Held in Washington, D.C. January 12, 1904
1v. Washington, D.C.: Gibson Bros, 1904.

Syllabus of Lectures on International Conciliation
1v. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1912

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Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP)


Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

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Intellectual Property Law Collection


Federal Communications Law Journal
Vol. 64#1 (2011)

Managing Intellectual Property
No. 205 (2011)

Marquette Sports Law Review
Vol. 22#1 (2011)

North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Vol. 13#1 (2011)

Villanova Sports & Entertainment Law Journal
Vol. 19#1 (2012)

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Law Journal Library


Documents & State Papers
Vol. 1 (1948-1949) All Published

Hanse Law Review
Vols. 1-7 (2005-2011)

Journal of International Relations
Vols. 1-12 (1910-1922) All Published

Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal (LGD)
2000-2010 External to HeinOnline

Preventive Law Reporter
Vols. 1-22 (1982-2004) All Published

Southern Cross University Law Review
Vols. 1-14 (1997-2011)

UNLV Gaming Law Journal
Vol. 1 (2010)

Washington Journal of Environmental Law & Policy
Vol. 1 (2011)


Alabama Law Review
Vol. 63#1 (2011)

Alberta Law Review
Vol. 49#1 (2011)

American Bankruptcy Law Journal
Vol. 85#4 (2011)

American Journal of Comparative Law
Vol. 60#1 (2012)

American University Law Review
Vol. 61#2 (2011)

Arizona State Law Journal
Vol. 43#3 (2011)

Bar Leader
Vol. 35#4 (2011)

Baylor Law Review
Vol. 63#3 (2011)

Boston University Law Review
Vol. 92#1 (2012)

Brigham Young University Law Review

Brooklyn Law Review
Vol. 77#1 (2011)

Campbell Law Review
Vol. 34#1 (2011)

Canadian Journal of Law & Society
Vol. 26#3 (2011)

Canadian Law Library Review
Vol. 37#1 (2012)

Canadian Yearbook of International Law
Vol. 43 (2005)

Catholic University Law Review
Vol. 61#1 (2011)

Columbia Business Law Review

Columbia Journal of European Law
Vol. 17#3 (2011)

Columbia Journal of Tax Law
Vol. 3#1 (2011)

CommLaw Conspectus: Journal of Communications Law and Policy
Vol. 20#1 (2011)

Common Law World Review
Vol. 41#1 (2012)

Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy
Vol. 21#2 (2011)

Cornell Law Review
Vol. 97#2 (2012)

Creighton Law Review
Vol. 45#1 (2012)

Current Index to Legal Periodicals
2012 (February)

Deakin Law Review
Vol. 16#2 (2011)

Defense Counsel Journal
Vol. 79#1 (2012)

DePaul Business & Commercial Law Journal
Vol. 10#1 (2011)

DePaul Journal of Health Care Law
Vol. 13#3 (2011)

Drexel Law Review
Vol. 4#1 (2011)

Duke Law Journal
Vol. 61#4 (2012)

Edinburgh Law Review
Vol. 15#3 (2011)

Estate Planning & Community Property Law Journal
Vol. 4#1 (2011)

European Journal of Risk Regulation

Federal Communications Law Journal
Vol. 64#1 (2011)

Federal Law Review
Vol. 39#2 (2011)

Federal Probation
Vol. 75#3 (2011)

First Amendment Law Review
Vol. 10#1 (2011)

Food and Drug Law Journal
Vol. 66 (2011)

Fordham International Law Journal
Vol. 35#2 (2012)

Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law
Vol. 17#1 (2012)

George Mason Law Review
Vol. 19#2 (2012)

Griffith Law Review
Vol. 20#4 (2011)

Harvard National Security Journal
Vols. 2-3#1 (2011)

Hastings Law Journal
Vol. 63#2 (2012)

Homeland Security Review
Vol. 5#1 (2011)

Houston Law Review
Vol. 48#4 (2011)

Indiana Law Journal
Vol. 87#1 (2012)

Indigenous Law Bulletin
Vol. 7#27 (2011)

Industrial and Labor Relations Review
Vol. 65#1 (2012)

International Journal
Vol. 66#4 (2011)

International Journal of Police Science & Management
Vol. 14#1 (2012)

International Law Update
Vol. 17#1-3 (2011)

International Tax Review
Vol. 21 (2011)

International Zeitschrift
Vol. 8#1 (2012)

Journal of Corporation Law
Vol. 37#1 (2011)

Journal of Criminal Justice Education
Vols. 21#3 – 22 (2011)

Journal of Criminal Law
Vol. 76#1 (2012)

Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
Vol. 100 (2010)

Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation
Vol. 26#2 (2011)

Journal of Law
Vol. 1#2 (2011)

Journal of Law & Education
Vol. 41#1 (2012)

Journal of Law & Politics
Vol. 27#1 (2011)

Journal of Law, Philosophy and Culture
Vols. 4-5 (2009-2010)

King’s Student Law Review
Vol. 3#1 (2011)

Law Library Journal
Vol. 104#1 (2012)

Legal Education Review
Vol. 21 (2011)

Legal Miscellanea
Vol. 8#2 (2011)

Libertarian Papers
Vol. 4#1 (2012)

Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law
Vol. 13#1 (2011)

Malawi Law Journal
Vol. 4#2 (2010)

Managing Intellectual Property
No. 205 (2011)

Marquette Elder’s Advisor
Vol. 12 (2010-2011)

Marquette Sports Law Review
Vol. 22#1 (2011)

Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology
Vol. 5 (2011)

McGeorge Law Review
Vol. 43#1 (2012)

McGill Law Journal
Vol. 57#2 (2011)

Mercer Law Review
Vol. 63#1 (2011)

Michigan Journal of Gender & Law
Vol. 18#2 (2012)

Michigan Journal of Race & Law
Vol. 17#1 (2011)

Michigan Law Review
Vol. 110#4 (2012)

Michigan State University College of Law International Law Review
Vol. 20#1 (2011)

Military Law Review
Vols. 207-208 (2011)

Minnesota Law Review
Vol. 96#2 (2011)

Mississippi College Law Review
Vol. 30#3 (2012)

Mizan Law Review
Vol. 5#2 (2011)

Monthly Labor Review
Vol. 134#11-12 (2011)

National Lawyers Guild Review
Vol. 68#3 (2011)

Nevada Law Journal
Vol. 11#2-3 (2011)

New York University Journal of International Law and Politics
Vol. 44#1 (2011)

New York University Review of Law & Social Change
Vol. 35#4 (2011)

Nexus: Chapman’s Journal of Law & Policy
Vol. 16 (2010-2011)

North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation
Vol. 37#1 (2011)

North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology
Vol. 13#1 (2011)

North Carolina Law Review Addendum
Vol. 90 (2011-2012)

Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy
Vol. 7#1 (2012)

Northwestern University Law Review
Vol. 104 (2010)

Oklahoma City University Law Review
Vol. 36#2 (2011)

Oklahoma Law Review
Vols. 63#4 – 64#1 (2011)

Pace Environmental Law Review
Vol. 29#1 (2011)

Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal
Vol. 21#1 (2012)

Penn State Law Review
Vol. 116#2 (2011)

Phoenix Law Review
Vol. 5#1 (2011)

Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal
Vol. 14#7 (2011)

Queen’s Law Journal
Vol. 37#1 (2011)

Review of International Law and Politics
Vol. 7#25-28 (2011)

Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico
Vol. 80#2-4 (2011)

Revue de la Common Law en Francais
Vol. 12#1 (2010-2011)

Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business
Vol. 10#3 (2011)

Roman Legal Tradition
Vol. 7#1 (2011)

Rutgers Race & the Law Review
Vol. 12#2 (2011)

Saint Louis University Public Law Review
Vol. 30#2 (2011)

San Diego Law Review
Vol. 48#4 (2011)

Seattle University Law Review
Vol. 35#2 (2012)

Singapore Academy of Law Journal
2011 Special Issue

Singapore Journal of Legal Studies

South Carolina Journal of International Law and Business
Vol. 8#1 (2011)

Southwestern Law Review
Vol. 41#1 (2011)

St. John’s Law Review
Vol. 85#2 (2011)

St. Mary’s Law Journal
Vol. 43#2 (2012)

Syracuse Law Review
Vol. 62#1 (2012)

Texas Review of Law & Politics
Vol. 16#1 (2011)

Third Branch
Vols. 43#12 – 44#1 (2011-2012)

Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis/Legal History Review
Vol. 77 (2009)

Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law
Vol. 13#1 (2011)

Tsinghua China Law Review
Vol. 3#2 (2011)

Tulsa Law Review
Vol. 45#4 (2010)

U.C. Davis Business Law Journal
Vol. 11 (2010-2011)

U.C. Davis Law Review
Vol. 45#1 (2011)

UCLA Law Review
Vol. 59#2 (2011)

UMKC Law Review
Vol. 80#2 (2011)

University of Baltimore Journal of Environmental Law
Vol. 18 (2011)

University of Baltimore Law Review
Vol. 41#1 (2011)

University of Colorado Law Review
Vol. 83#1 (2011)

University of Denver Sports and Entertainment Law Journal
Vol. 10 (2011)

University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy
Vol. 22#3 (2011)

University of Massachusetts Roundtable Symposium Law Journal
Vol. 6 (2011)

University of Memphis Law Review
Vol. 42#1 (2011)

University of Miami Law Review
Vol. 66#2 (2012)

University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review
Vol. 13 (2011)

University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law
Vol. 14#2 (2011)

University of Pittsburgh Law Review
Vol. 72#4 (2011)

University of Richmond Law Review
Vol. 46#1-2 (2011-2012)

University of St. Thomas Law Journal
Vol. 8#1 (2010)

University of Toronto Faculty of Law Review
Vol. 68 (2010)

Utrecht Law Review
Vol. 8#1 (2012)

Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
Vol. 44#5 (2011)

Vermont Journal of Environmental Law
Vol. 12#1-3 (2010-2011)

Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law
Vol. 5#3 (2011)

Villanova Law Review
Vol. 56#3 (2011)

Villanova Sports & Entertainment Law Journal
Vol. 19#1 (2012)

Wake Forest Law Review
Vol. 46#5 (2011)

Washington University Journal of Law & Policy
Vol. 37 (2011)

Washington University Jurisprudence Review
Vol. 4#1 (2011)

Washington University Law Review
Vol. 89#2 (2011)

West Virginia Law Review
Vol. 114#2 (2012)

William & Mary Policy Review
Vol. 3#1 (2011)

William Mitchell Law Review
Vol. 38#1 (2011)

Wisconsin Law Review

Yale Journal of Law and Feminism
Vol. 23#2 (2011)

back to top

Legal Classics


Bradbury’s Workmen’s Compensation and State Insurance Law of the United States
1 v. New York: Banks Law Pub. Co, 1912
Bradbury, Harry B.

Commentaries on the Jurisdiction of Courts
1v. Chicago: Callaghan, 1901 2d ed.
Brown, Timothy

Courts and their Jurisdiction: A Treatise on the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the Present Day, How Such Jurisdiction is Conferred, and the Means of Acquiring and Losing It
1v. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Co, 1894
Works, John D.

Estee’s Pleadings, Practice and Forms, Adapted to Actions and Special Proceedings under Codes of Civil Procedure
3 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1886 3rd ed. rev., enl.
Estee, Morris M.; Pomeroy, Carter P.

Federal Equity Procedure: A Treatise on the Procedure in Suits in Equity in the Circuit Courts of the United States including Appeals and Appellate Procedure
2 v. Chicago: T.H. Flood, 1901
Bates, C.L.

Historical Notice of Penal Laws against Roman Catholics, Their Operation and Relaxation during the Past Century: Of Partial Measures of Relief in 1779, 1782, 1793, 1829
1v. London: T. Richardson, 1865
Madden, Richard Robert

History of Three of the Judges of King Charles I. Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell
1v. Hartford: Printed by Elisha Babcock, 1794
Stiles, Ezra

Horace Mann’s Letters on the Extension of Slavery into California and New Mexico; and on the Duty of Congress to Provide the Trial by Jury for Alleged Fugitive Slaves
1v. [Washington]: Buell & Blanchard, printers, 1850
Mann, Horace

Hortensius; an Historical Essay on the Office and Duties of an Advocate
1v. London: J. Murray, 1874 2d ed.
Forsyth, William

Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field
1v. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1863
Lieber, Francis

Introduction to American Law. Designed as a First Book for Students
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown, 1895 10th ed., rev.
Walker, Timothy; Bates, Clement

Introduction to Legal Science: Being a Concise and Familiar Treatise
1v. New York: J.S. Voorhies, 1842
Jones, Silas

Introduction to Roman-Dutch Law
1v. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1915
Lee, Robert Warden

Law and the School Principal
1v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson Co, 1961
Seitz, Reynolds C., Editor

Law of Contracts
2v. Boston: Little, Brown and company, 1857 3rd ed.
Parsons, Theophilus

Law of Contracts and Promises upon Various Subjects and with Particular Persons as Settled in the Action of Assumpsit
1 v. New York: Collins and Hannay, 1826 1st American, from the 2d London ed.
Comyn, Samuel

Law of Devises, Last Wills, and Revocations
1 v. Dublin: Printed for James Moore, 1792 4th ed., rev., corr., and impr.
Gilbert, Geoffrey

Law of Laws: Or, the Excellency of the Civil Law, above All Other Humane Laws Whatsoever
1v. London: Printed for R. Royston, 1686
Wiseman, Robert

Law of Nisi Prius
2 v. Philadelphia: T.& J.W. Johnson, 1848 From the 2d London ed.
Archbold, John Frederick

Law of Pleading under the Codes of Civil Procedure
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown, 1894
Bryant, Edwin E.

Law of Torts
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1907 8th ed.
Bigelow, Melville Madison

Laws of Business for All the States of the Union, and the Dominion of Canada
1 v. Hartford: S.S. Scranton & Co, 1880 enl., impr.
Parsons, Theophilus

Leading Cases on American Constitutional Law
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan, 1916
Evans, Lawrence B.

Lehrbuch des Strafprocesses
1 v. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1848
Bauer, Anton; Morstadt, Carl Eduard

Lynching and Frame-up in Tennessee
1 v. New York: New Century publishers, 1946
Minor, Robert

Manual of Military Law
1 v. London: Printed under the authority of H.M. Stationery Off, 1917 6th ed., photo. reprint
Great Britain.

Manual of the Election Law of Indiana
1 v. Indianapolis: W.B. Burford, 1891 rev. ed.
Dunn, Jacob Piatt, Jr.

Minores and Mediocres in the Germanic Tribal Laws
1 v. Columbus, Ohio: Press of F.J. Heer, 1905
McNeal, Edgar Holmes

Modern Law of Railways as Determined by the Courts and Statutes of England and the United States
2 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1890
Beach, Charles Fisk Jr.

Municipal Airports
1 v. Cleveland, OH: Flying review Pub. Co, 1931
Wenneman, Joseph H.

Negligence in Law
2 v. London: Stevens and Haynes, 1908 3rd ed.
Beven, Thomas

Office and Authority of a Justice of Peace
1 v. In the Savoy [London]: Printed by John Nutt, assignee of Edw. Sayer, for Charles Harper, 1710 3d ed. corr.
Nelson, William

On the Origin, Nature, Progress and Influence of Consular Establishments
1v. Paris: Printed and sold by Smith, 1813
Warden, David Bailie

Opinions of Different Authors upon the Punishment of Death
3 v. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1809-1813
Montagu, Basil, Compiler

Pocket Companion; or, Every Man His Own Lawyer
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed and published by S. Parmele, 1818 6th ed.

Police Power and Individual Freedom: The Quest for Balance
1 v. Chicago: Aldine Pub. Co, 1962
Sowle, Claude R., Editor; International Conference on Criminal Law Administration

Power of the Commander-in-Chief to Declare Martial Law, and Decree Emancipation
1v. Boston: A. Williams & Co, 1862
Ellis, Charles M.

Practical Treatise on Criminal Law, and Procedure in Criminal Cases, before Justices of the Peace and Courts of Record in the State of Illinois with Full Directions and Forms for Every Criminal Case
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan, 1876
Moore, Ira M.

Practical Treatise on the Law of Horses
1 v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke, 1875 2d ed., rev., enl.
Hanover, Marcus D.

Practical Treatise on the Law of Receivers, with Extended Consideration of Receivers of Corporations
1 v. New York: Baker, Voorhis and Co, 1897 2d ed., enl.
Beach, Charles Fisk Jr.; Alderson, William A.

Practice of the Court of King’s Bench in Personal Actions, and Ejectment
2 v. New York: E.B. Gould, 1827 2d Amer. ed., from the 2d London ed., enl.
Archbold, John Frederick

Practice of the Crown Side of the Court of Queen’s Bench with an Appendix containing the New Rules of Practice, a Collection of Practical Forms, Tables of Costs and Allowances, &c.
1 v. London: William Benning and Co, 1844
Corner, R. J.; Corner, A.B.

Principles of Equity: A Treatise on the System of Justice Administered in Courts of Chancery
1 v. New York: Banks Law Pub. Co, 1909 8th ed.
Bispham, George Tucker; Brinton, Sharswood

Principles of the English Law of Contract and of Agency in Its Relation to Contract
1 v. New York: Banks Law Pub. Co, 1907 2d Amer. from 11th English ed.
Anson, William Reynell; Huffcut, Ernest W., Editor

Private International Law: A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, and the Limits of Their Operation in Respect of Place and Time
1 v. Edinburgh: T and T Clark, 1869
von Savigny, Friedrich Carl ; Guthrie, William, Translator

Project of a New Penal Code for the State of Louisiana
1 v. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1824
Livingston, Edward

Pursuit of Happiness in the Democratic Creed: An Analysis of Political Ethics
1 v. New York: Praeger, 1959
von Eckardt, Ursula Maria

Railroad Rate Regulation with Special Reference to the Powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission under the Acts to Regulate Commerce
1 v. New York: Baker, Voorhis, 1915 2d ed.
Wyman, Bruce; Beale, Joseph Henry

Refugee in the United States
1 v. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938
Fields, Harold

Relation of Labor to the Law of To-day
1 v. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1891
Brentano, Lujo; Sherman, Porter, Translator

Reports of Cases in the Courts of Star Chamber and High Commission
1 v. [Westminster]: Printed for the Camden Society, 1886
Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, Editor; England and Wales

Retirement Policies under Social Security
1 v. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1957
Cohen, Wilbur J.

Rome the Law-Giver
1 v. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1926
Declareuil, Joseph; Edward Adams, Translator

School Bus Law: A Case Study in Education, Religion, and Politics
1 v. Middletown, Conn: Wesleyan University Press, 1960
Powell, Theodore

Selection of Cases and Other Authorities upon Criminal Law
1 v. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Law Review Pub. Association, 1894
Beale, Joseph Henry Jr.

Selections from the Public and Private Law of the Romans
1 v. New York: American Book Company, 1905
Robinson, James Johnson

Sense of Injustice: An Anthropocentric View of Law
1 v. New York: New York University Press, 1949
Cahn, Edmond N.

Tariff and the Trusts
1 v. New York: Macmillan Co, 1907
Pierce, Franklin

Trading with the Enemy in World War II
1 v. New York: Central Book Co, 1943
Domke, Martin

Traffic Law and Procedure
3 v. Chicago: Traffic Service Corp, 1942-1944
Wilson, George Lloyd

Treatise on Contracts, within the Jurisdiction of Courts of Equity
1 v. Philadelphia: B. Warner, 1821
Newland, John

Treatise on the Contract of Sale
1 v. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1839
Pothier, Robert Joseph; Cushing, Luther Stearns, Translator

Treatise on the Effect of the Contract of Sale on the Legal Rights of Property and Possession in Goods, Wares, and Merchandise
1 v. New York: Banks & Bros, 1891 From the 2d English ed.
Blackburn, Colin; Graham, J.C.

Treatise on the Law of Benefit Societies and Life Insurance: Voluntary Associations, Regular Life, Beneficiary and Accident Insurance
2 v. St. Louis: F.H. Thomas Law Book Co, 1904 3d ed.
Bacon, Frederick H.

Treatise on the Law of Contributory Negligence or Negligence as a Defense
1 v. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co, 1892 2d ed.
Beach, Charles Fisk Jr.

Treatise on the Law of Contributory Negligence or Negligence as a Defense
1 v. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co, 1899 3d ed.
Crawford, John J.; Beach, Charles Fisk Jr.

Treatise on the Law of Corporations Having a Capital Stock
5 v. Boston: Little, Brown, 1913 7th ed.
Cook, William W.

Treatise on the Law of Dower; Particularly with a View to the Modern Practice of Conveyancing
1 v. London: W. Clarke and Sons, 1819
Park, John James

Treatise on the Law of Estoppel and Its Application in Practice
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1890 5th ed.
Bigelow, Melville M.

Treatise on the Law of Estoppel and Its Application in Practice
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co, 1886 4th ed.
Bigelow, Melville M.

Treatise on the Law of Evidence
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co, 1866 12th ed., rev., enl.
Redfield, Isaac F.; Greenleaf, Simon

Treatise on the Law of Negligence
1 v. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co, 1870 2d ed.
Shearman, Thomas G.; Redfield, Amasa A.

Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations
2 v. New York: L.K. Strouse, 1892
Spelling, Thomas Carl

Treatise on the Law relating to Injunctions
3 v. Albany, N.Y.: M. Bender, 1909
Joyce, Howard C.

Treatise on the Limitation of Actions at Law and in Equity
1 v. Boston: Boston Book Co, 1901 3d ed.
Gould, John M.; Wood, H. G.

Treatise on the Pleadings and Practice of the Court of Chancery
1v. Detroit: Richmond, Backus & Co, 1882
Jennison, William

Trust Laws and Unfair Competition
1 v. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1916
Davies, Joseph E.

U.S. Immigration: Exclusion and Deportation
1 v. New York: Holland Pub. Co, 1928
Kansas, Sidney

U.S. Immigration: Exclusion and Deportation and Citizenship of the United States of America
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Matthew Bender Co, 1940 2d ed.
Kansas, Sidney

United States Atrocities: Lynch Law
1 v. London: “Lux” Newspaper and Pub. Co, 1892
Wells, Ida B.

Voting Trusts: A Chapter in Modern Corporate History
1 v. New York: Macmillan Co, 1927 new ed., rev.
Cushing, Harry Alonzo

William Howard Taft: Yale Professor of Law & New Haven Citizen
1 v. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945
Hicks, Frederick C.

Works of Alexander Hamilton; comprising His Correspondence, and His Political and Official Writings, Exclusive of the Federalist, Civil and Military
7 v. New York: C.S. Francis & Co, 1851
Hamilton, Alexander; Hamilton, John C., Editor

back to top

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws


Archive Publications:

Deployed Parents Visitation and Custody Act
February 2012 Committee Meeting Draft (February 24-26, 2012)

Manufactured Housing Act
February 2012 Committee Meeting Memo (February 13, 2012
February 2012 Committee Meeting Draft – One Track (February 24-26, 2012)
February 2012 Committee Meeting – One Track, Marked (February 24-26, 2012)
February 2012 Committee Meeting – Two Track (February 24-26, 2012)
February 2012 Committee Meeting – Two Track, Marked (February 24-26, 2012)

Premarital and Marital Agreements Act
February 2012 Committee Meeting Agenda (February 10-11, 2012)

Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking*
February 2012 Committee Meeting Memo (January 10, 2012)
February 2012 Committee Meeting Draft – No Comments (February 10-11, 2012)
December 2011 Post Committee Meeting Draft with Comments (Decmber 2011)

Protection of Charitable Assets Act
Final Act, 2011 (July 7-July 13, 2011)

back to top

New York Court of Appeals Records and Briefs


17 NY3D 17-492 Alexander Lifson, executor of the estate of Irene Lifson v. City of Syracuse, Derek J. Klink
17 NY3D 17-532 The People of the State of New York vs Shahid Muhammad
17 NY3D 17-565 Greenberg, Trager & Herbst, LLP against HSBC Bank USA and Citibank, N.A.
17 NY3D 17-594 Gloria Dooms against Best Transit Corp., SIM Corp. d/b/a Prison Gap, et al
17 NY3D 17-625 Allen Simon and Barbara Simon against Sol M. Usher, Sol. M. Usher M.D., P.C., F.A.C.S., et al
17 NY3D 17-643 The People of the State of New York vs Corey E. Becoats
17 NY3D 17-661 The People of the State of New York against Edwin Santiago
17 NY3D 17-675 The People of the State of New York vs Carlos Ventura, a/k/a Jose Mendez

back to top

New York Legal Research Library


Arbitration Contract and Proceedings
1v. Buffalo, N.Y.: Dennis, 1971
Eager, Samuel Watkins

Charter and Directory of the City of Rochester: Also Statisticks, Population, City Officers, Publick Buildings, Institutions, Fire Department, &c., &c.
1v. Rochester: C. & M. Morse, 1834
Rochester (N.Y.)

Charter of the City of Rochester. Chapter 755 of the Laws of 1907, with Amendments to 1917 Inclusive
1v. [Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester herald company], 1917
Cunningham, Benjamin Brooks

Charter of the City of Rochester. Chapter 755 of the Laws of 1907. With Amendments and Supplements to 1930, Inclusive
1v. [Rochester, N.Y.: Rochester Alliance Press], 1930

Charter of the City of Rochester: Chapter 755 of the Laws of 1907
1v. [Rochester, N.Y.: John P. Smith Print. Co.], 1908
Cunningham, Benjamin Brooks et al.

Declaratory Judgment Action: Notes, Cases and Forms
1v. Buffalo, N.Y.: Dennis, 1971
Eager, Samuel Watkins

Digest of Claims, and the Action Thereon by the Legislature and the Canal Board, Together with the Awards Made by the Board of Canal Appraisers, from 1818 to 1858
1v. Rochester, N.Y.: A. Strong & Co, 1858
Allen, S. P.

Manual of the Highway Laws of the State of New York
1v. Albany: J.D. Parsons, Jr, 1870
Cook, Robley D.

New York Indians: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Eightieth Congress, Second Session
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1948
United States

Taxpayers’ Actions to Redress Municipal Wrongs under the Statutes of the State of New York
1v. Albany: H.B. Parsons, 1900
Thomson, John Crawford

Treatise on the Practice in the Supreme Court, of the State of New York, in Equity Actions, Adapted to the Code of Procedure
1v. Albany, N.Y.: W.C. Little, 1860
Van Santvoord, George


New York Attorney General Reports and Opinions

New York State Register
Vol. 34#1-6 (January – February2012)

back to top

Scottish Legal History: Featuring Publications of the Stair Society


Early Scottish Charters: Prior to A.D. 1153
1 v. Glasgow: J. MacLehose and Sons, 1905
Lawrie, Archibald Campbell, Compiler

Law of Scotland Affecting Trustees
1 v. Edinburgh: W. Green & Sons, 1913 2d ed., rev. and enl.
Menzies, A. J. P.

back to top

Selden Society Publications and the History of Early English Law


Great Rolls of the Pipe for the Second, Third, and Fourth Years of the Reign of King Henry the Second, A.D. 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158
1 v. London: Printed by G.E. Eyre and A. Spottiswoode, 1844
Hunter, Joseph, Compiler; Great Britain

Shetarot: Hebrew Deeds of English Jews before 1290
1 v. London: Office of the “Jewish chronicle”, 1888
Davis, Myer David, Editor

back to top

Session Laws Library



District of Columbia Register
Vol. 59#3-6 (2012)





back to top

Spinelli’s Law Librarian’s Reference Shelf


Aids to the Study and Use of Law Books: A Selected List, Classified and Annotated, of Publications Relating to Law Literature, Law Study and Legal Ethics
1 v. New York: Baker, Voohis & Co, 1913
Hicks, Frederick C.

Book Bindings: Historical and Decorative
1v. London: Maggs Bros, 1927
Maggs Bros.

Classification. Class K: Law; Draft Outline
1v. Washington: Library of Congress, Subject Cataloging Division, 1970
Ellinger, Werner Bruno

Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Regarded as Peculiar to the United States
1v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1877 4th ed., enl.
Bartlett, John Russell

Fortune of Books; Essays, Memories and Prophecies of a Librarian
1v. Chicago: W.M. Hill, 1941
Bay, J. Christian

Guide to the Archives of the Government of the United States in Washington
1v. [Washington]: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1907 2nd ed., rev. and enl.
Van Tyne, Claude Halstead; Leland, Waldo Gifford

History of Columbia University, 1754-1904; Published in Commemoration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of King’s College
1v. New York: The Columbia university press, The Macmillan company, agents, 1904

Librarianship as a Profession for College Trained Men and Women
1v. Chicago: American library association, 1930 4th ed.
American Library Association

Librarianship as a Profession for College Trained Men and Women
1v. Chicago: American Library Association, 1927 2d ed.
American Library Association

Library of Congress Law Library: an Illustrated Guide
1v. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 2005
Goldberg, Jolande E. ; Gawdiak, Natalie

Technology of Law: a Condensus of Maxims, Leading Cases, and Elements of Law. Leading Questions and Propositions of the Law Adjusted to its Technics
1v. London: Stevens, 1893
Wm. T. Hughes,


Canadian Law Library Review
Vol. 37#1 (2012)

Current Index to Legal Periodicals
2012 (February)

Law Library Journal
Vol. 104#1 (2012)

Legal Miscellanea
Vol. 8#2 (2011)

back to top

State Attorney General Reports and Opinions

Alabama (1980-2010)
Alaska (1979-2011)
Arizona (1978-2011)
Arkansas (1953-2011)
California (1943-2011)
Colorado (1968-2011)
Connecticut (1967-2011)
Delaware (1978-2011)
Florida (1979-2011)
Georgia (1971-2011)
Hawaii (1961-2011)
Idaho (1979-2010)
Illinois (1979-2011)
Indiana (1979-2010)
Iowa (1979-2009)
Kansas (1979-2010)
Kentucky (1968-2010)
Louisiana (1970-2010)
Maine (1973-2010)
Maryland (1967-2010)
Massachusetts (1977-2010)
Michigan (1977-2008)
Minnesota (1968-2007)
Mississippi (1987-1999)
Missouri (1976-2010)
Montana (1977-2010)
Nebraska (1977-2010)
Nevada (1978-2010)
New Hampshire (1990-2009)
New Jersey (1978-2010)
New Mexico (1978-2010)
New York (1890-2012)
North Carolina (1946-2010)
North Dakota (1979-2011)
Ohio (1973-2010)
Oklahoma (1979-2009)
Oregon (1978-2011)
Pennsylvania (1978-2010)
PuertRico (1955-1998)
RhodIsland (1985-2011)
South Carolina (1978-1994; 2004-2008)
South Dakota (1979-2010)
Tennessee (1980-2009)
Texas (1971-2010)
Utah (1985-2007)
VirgiIslands (1935-1986)
Virginia (1979-2010)
Washington (1888-2010)
West Virginia (1968-1993)
Wisconsin (1979-2010)
Wyoming (1888-2009)

back to top

Subject Compilations of State Laws (1960-2011)


Bradbury’s Workmen’s Compensation and State Insurance Law of the United States
1 v. New York: Banks Law Pub. Co, 1912
Bradbury, Harry B.

Municipal Airports
1 v. Cleveland, OH: Flying review Pub. Co, 1931
Wenneman, Joseph H.

State Laws of Special Value to Women, January 1, 1950
1v. Washington, D.C.: Department of Labor, 1950
United States

Workmen’s Compensation. Report upon Operation of State Laws
1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1914
Commission on Workmen’s Compensation Laws.

back to top

Taxation & Economic Reform in America Parts I & II, 1781-2011


Analysis of Proposals relating to Broadening the Base and Lowering the Rates of the Income Tax: Scheduled for a Hearing before the Committee on Finance on September 28-30, 1982
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1982
United States

Are High Surtax Rates Worthwhile
1v. New York: Tax Foundation, Inc., 1957
Tax Foundation

Community Property and Federal Income Taxes
1v. New York: Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1947
Commerce Clearing House

Criticism of H.R. 9067: A Bill to Impose Progressive Taxation on Corporations
1v. New York: Tax Foundation, Inc., 1956
Tax Foundation

Fallacies and Dangers in the Proposals to Abolish the Federal Income Tax, Dispose of All Federal Business Activities, and to Limit Treatymaking Powers by a Liberty Amendment to the Constitution
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1964
Hayden, Carl Trumbull

Federal Revenue System: Facts and Problems
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1956
United States

Gift Taxation in the United States
1v. Washington, D.C.: American Council on Public Affairs, 1940
Harriss, C. Lowell

I Refuse
1v. Cleveland: Tax Foundation, Inc., 1965
Acker, Fred N.

Impact on Trade of Changes in Taxation of U.S. Citizens Employed Overseas
1v. Washington: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1978
United States

Income Tax Treatment of Married Couples and Single Persons
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print Off, 1980
United States

Instructions to Assessors and Collectors, and Schedule of Blank Forms
1v. Washington: G.P.O., 1868
United States

Internal Revenue Laws in Force May 1, 1920: With an Appendix Containing Laws of a General Nature and Miscellaneous Provisions Applicable to the Administration of the Internal-Revenue Laws
1v. Washington: G.P.O., 1920
United States

Internal-Revenue Laws in Force March 4, 1911: With an Appendix Containing Laws of a General Nature and Miscellaneous Provisions Applicable to the Administration of the Internal-Revenue Laws
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1911
United States

Laws Authorizing Issuance of Medals and Commemorative Coins
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1949
Lewis, Elmer A., Compiler

Laws of the United States relating to Internal Revenue, Comprising the Act of June 30, 1864, as Amended by Subsequent Acts, including the Act of March 26, 1867
1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1867
United States

Natural Taxation, an Inquiry into the Practicability, Justice and Effects of a Scientific and Natural Method of Taxation
1v. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co, 1898 New, enl.
Shearman, Thomas Gaskell

Natural Taxation; an Inquiry into the Practicability, Justice and Effects of a Scientific and Natural Method of Taxation
1v. New York [etc.]: G.P. Putnam’s sons, 1895
Shearman, Thomas Gaskell

Place of State Income Taxation in the Revenue Systems of the States
1 vol. New York: Tax Policy League, 1935
Tax Policy League

Taxpayers’ Actions to Redress Municipal Wrongs under the Statutes of the State of New York
1v. Albany: H.B. Parsons, 1900
Thomson, John Crawford

Tax-Payer’s Manual: Containing the Acts of Congress Imposing Direct and Excise Taxes; with Complete Marginal References, and an Analytical Index Showing all the Items of Taxation, the Mode of Proceeding, and the Duties of the Officers
1v. New York: D. Appleton and Co, 1862

Theory and Practice of Modern Taxation
1v. [New York]: Commerce Clearing House, Loose Leaf Service Division of the Corporation Trust Company, 1933
Green, William Raymond

Treatise on the Federal Income Tax Law of 1913
1v. Albany, N.Y.: M. Bender & Co, 1913
Frost, Thomas Gold

back to top

Treaties and Agreements Library


Documents & State Papers
Vol. 1 (1948-1949) All Published


TIAS Agreements:

back to top

U.S. Congressional Documents


What Think Ye of the Congress Now; or, an Enquiry, How Far the Americans are Bound to Abide by, and Execute the Decisions of, the Late Congress
1 v. New York: Printed by James Rivington, 1775


Congressional Budget Office
Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022 (January 2012)
Child Nutrition Programs (January 2012)
Comparing the Compensation of Federal and Private-Sector Employees (January 2012)
Lessons from Medicare’s Demonstration Projects on Disease Management, Care Coordination, and Value-Based Payment (January 2012)
Military Retirement (January 2012)
Combined OASDI Trust Funds (January 2012)
Old Age and Survivors Insurance (January 2012)
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (January 2012)
Social Security Disability Insurance (January 2012)
Supplemental Security Income (January 2012)
Child Support Collections (January 2012)
Child Support Enforcement and Family Support (January 2012)
Federal Costs for Foster Care, Adoption Assistance, and Guardianship (January 2012)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (January 2012)
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF) and Contingency Fund (January 2012)
Unemployment Compensation and Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers (January 2012)
Testimony on the Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022 (February 1, 2012)
Testimony on the Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022 (February 2, 2012)
Models used by the Military Services to Develop Budgets for Activities Associated with Operational Readiness (February 2012)
Veterans Health Administraton’s Treatment of PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury among Recent Combat Veterans (February 2012)
Testimony on CBO’s Appropriation Request for Fiscal Year 2013 (February 7, 2012)

Congressional Record Daily Edition
February 29 – March 28, 2012

Congressional Directory

back to top

U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals


Annual Report of the Federal Security Agency
1940-1952 All Published

Citizen’s Almanac
1 v. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Office of Citizenship, 2010

Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States
1940-2011 Washington, D.C.: Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts


Customs Bulletin
Vol. 46#7 (2012)

back to top

U.S. Federal Legislative History Library


Civil Service Retirement Act. Includes Abstracts of Decisions, Opinions, Regulations, and Comments Relating to the Acts of May 22, 1920, July 3, 1926 and May 29, 1930, and Amendments Thereto through March 7, 1942, Inclusive
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1943
United States.

Compilation of Federal Education Laws, as Amended through June 30, 1977: Prepared for the Use of the House Committee on Education and Labor and the Senate Committee on Human Resources
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1977
United States

Federal Farm Loan Act with Amendments and Farm Mortgage and Farm Credit Acts
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1976
Udell, Gilman G., Compiler

Federal Trade Commission Improvements Act of 1980. P.L. 96-252: 94 Stat. 374: May 28, 1980
6 v. Washington, D.C.: 1980
United States.

Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act Amendments of 1994: A Legislative History: Public Law 103-218, 108 Stat. 50 (1994)
1 v. Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co., 1994

back to top

U.S. Presidential Library


Nixon Grand Jury Records
1975: Watergate Special Prosecution Force.; United States. National Archives and Records Administration

Power of the Commander-in-Chief to Declare Martial Law, and Decree Emancipation
1v. Boston: A. Williams & Co, 1862

William Howard Taft: Yale Professor of Law & New Haven Citizen
1 v. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1945


Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents
January 20, 2012 – February 16, 2012

back to top

U.S. Supreme Court Library


Arguments in the Cases Arising under the Railway Labor Act and the National Labor Relations Act before the Supreme Court of the United States, February 8-11, 1937
1v. Washington: Govt. print. off, 1937
United States.

Arguments in the Cases Arising under the Social Security Act and the Alabama Unemployment Compensation Law before the Supreme Court of the United States, April 7-9, 1937
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1937
Carmichael, Albert A.; Davis, Harwell Goodwin


United States Reports Preliminary Prints
Vol. 556 (March 9 – April 21, 2009)

United States Reports Slip Opinions:
No. 10-63 Maples v. Thomas, Commissioner, Alabama Department of Corrections; January 18, 2012
No. 10-224 National Meat Association v. Harris, Attorney General of California, et al.; January 23, 2012
No. 10-545 Golan et al. v. Holder, Attorney General, et al.; January 18, 2012
No. 10-1195 Mims v. Arrow Financial Services, Llc; January 18, 2012
No. 10-1259 United States v. Jones; January 23, 2012
No. 10-6549 Reynolds v. United States; January 23, 2012
No. 11-208 Darin Ryburn, et al. v. George R. Huff, et al.; January 23, 2012
Nos. 11-713; 11-714; 11-715 Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, et al., Appellants v. Shannon Perez et al.; Wendy Davis et al; Shannon Perez et al.; January 20, 2012

back to top

United Nations Law Collection


Desarme Nuclear: Regimenes Internacional, Latinoamericano y Argentino de no Proliferacion
1 v. Ginebra: UNIDIR, 2003
Valle Fonrouge, Marcelo F.

Law of the Sea: Multilateral Treaties Relevant to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
1v. New York: Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Law of the Sea, 1985
United Nations

Political Rights of Women: 56 Years of Progress
1v. Lake Success, N.Y.: Dept. of Public Information, 1949
United Nations

Road to Equality; Political Rights of Women
1v. New York: United Nations Dept. of Social Affairs, Division of Human Rights, 1953
United Nations

Sea: Economic and Technological Aspects: A Select Bibliography
1 v. New York: United Nations, 1974
United Nations; Dag Hammarskjold Library

Sea: Legal and Political Aspects: A Select Bibliography
1 v. New York: United Nations, 1974
United Nations; Dag Hammarskjold Library

United Nations Reconsidered
1v. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1963
Moore, Raymond A., Editor

United Nations; Three Years of Achievement
1v. [Washington, D.C.?]: Dept. of State, Division of Publications, Office of Public Affairs, 1948
United States. Dept of State. Office of Public Affairs

What the United Nations is Doing For the Status of Women
1v. Lake Success, N.Y.: Dept. of Public Information, United Nations, 1948
United Nations


Law of the Sea Bulletin
Vol. 74 (2010)

Statement of Treaties and International Agreements
November 2011

United Nations Treaty Series
2501 I. Nos. 44731-44735 (2008)
2522 I. Nos. 45068-45079; II. Nos. 1313-1314 (2008)
2525 I. Nos. 45103-45109 (2008)
2526 I. Nos. 45110-45140 (2008)
2527 I. Nos. 45141-45143 (2008)

back to top

United States Code


United States Code
Supplement IV, Volume 5 (January 4, 2007 – January 7, 2011)

back to top

World Constitutions Illustrated


American Constitution as it Protects Private Rights
1v. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1923
Stimson, Frederic Jesup

American Constitutional System
1v. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1940 2d ed., rev., enl.
Mathews, John Mabry

Athenian Constitutional History, as Represented in Grote’s History of Greece
1 v. Oxford: J. Parker, 1878
Schomann, Georg Friedrich; et al.

Codigos de Chile
1v. Santigo de Chile: [Milan, Capriolo & Massimino, 1920
Mery, Eulojio Rojas

Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, Historical and Juridical, with Observations upon the Ordinary Provisions of State Constitutions and a Comparison with the Constitutions of Other Countries
1v. Boston: Boston Book Co, 1895
Foster, Roger

Communist Insurgent Infrastructure in South Vietnam: A Study of Organization and Strategy
1v. [Washington]: Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 1967
Conley, Michael Charles

Constitution of the United States, with References to Judicial Decisions, &c., Prepared for the Use of the Yale Law School
1v. New Haven: Press of Hoggson & Robinson, 1875
Baldwin, Simeon E.

Derecho Publico Provincial. Reformas a la Constitucion de San Luis
2v. Buenos Aires: La Facultad J. Roldan, 1928
Pastor, Reynaldo A.

English Opinion of the American Constitution and Government (1783-1798)
1 v. Thesis (Ph. D.)—Columbia University, 1915
Fraser, Leon

High Lights of the Mexican Revolution: Some Previously Unwritten History of the Beginning and Growth of Constitutional Government in the Southern Republic
1 v. Aurora, Mo., Menace Pub. Co., 1918
McLeish, John Lewin

Hindustani-English Law and Commercial Dictionary
1 v. Banaras: Medical Hall Press, 1879
Fallon, S.W.

Historie of Ireland (1571)
1v. Dublin: Printed by the Society of Stationers, 1633; New York: Scholars’ facsimiles & reprints, 1940 photo. reprint 1940
Campion, Edmund

History of Federal Government, from the Foundation of the Achaian League to the Disruption of the United States
1v. London: Macmillan and Co, 1863
Freeman, Edward Augustus

Introduction to American Law. Designed as a First Book for Students
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown, 1895 10th ed., rev.
Walker, Timothy; Bates, Clement

Introduction to Roman-Dutch Law
1v. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1915
Lee, Robert Warden

Leading Cases on American Constitutional Law
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan, 1916
Evans, Lawrence B.

Legal and Mercantile Handbook of Mexico
1 v. Chicago: Pan-American Pub. Co, 1892
Coney, A. K.; Godoy, Jose F.

Lehrbuch des Strafprocesses
1 v. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1848
Bauer, Anton; Morstadt, Carl Eduard

Manual of Military Law
1 v. London: Printed under the authority of H.M. Stationery Off, 1917 6th ed., photo. reprint
Great Britain.

Minores and Mediocres in the Germanic Tribal Laws
1 v. Columbus, Ohio: Press of F.J. Heer, 1905
McNeal, Edgar Holmes

Narratives of the Rites and Laws of the Yncas
1v. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1873
Markham, Clements R., Editor & Translator

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1v. New York: Macmillan Co, 1936
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World Trials Library


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Beheaded Dr. John Hewytts Ghost Pleading, Yea Crying for Exemplarie Justice against the Arbitrary, Un-Exampled Injustice of His Late Judges and Executioners in the New High-Commission, or Court of Justice, Sitting in Westminster-Hall
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